The living & the symbolic Exodus

The story of the living Exodus

of the people out of the

slavery of Satan

& sin


Abid Al – Ahad Dauod

6 / 7 / 1994


I dedicate this book to every real Jew who thinks that he is a member of the chosen people of God , and to every one who reaches out or fights for the city of Jerusalem or takes pride in it, thinking that it is " The sacred holy city of God " , and to every one who wants to know what are the concealed and hidden meanings in the Torah " The old Testament " , and to every one who read the book superficially and thought that it is obvious and clear , and to every one who had doubts that the rules are too harsh and severe or that there are things that are inserted or faked to suit a specific group of people he is in their favour or against them , and to every one who seeks God’s satisfaction and acceptance . To all of you my brothers I dedicate some of the secrets of the book and their meanings.May God make you pillars in his temple and members of his real chosen people those who inherit the glorious heavenly Jerusalem and live in it .


Abid Al – Ahad Daoud.


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Numbers ( 23 – 23 ) :
There is no enchantment against Jacob , neither is there any divination against Israel ; now it shall be said to Jacob and to Israel , what has God wrought !

ST. Matthew ( 11 – 25 ) :
At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank you Father Lord of the heaven and the earth, because you hid these things from the wise and the prudent, and revealed them to babies.
26 Yes, Father; for so it seemed good in your sight .
27 All things are delivered to me from my Father : and no man knows the Son, but the Father; neither knows any man the Father, except the Son ,and he to whom the Son will reveal him.
28 Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest .
29 Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me; because I am gentle and humble in heart; and you will find rest for your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

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The Exodus


The first period - The story of Adam and his generation and descendants in brief:
In the beginning God created Adam and Eve. The devil tricked Eve and placed doubt in her heart, so she began to doubt the word of God. Her doubt grew till it became a full sin. So she approached Adam and made him fall in sin for the sake of food. That is, he in his turn began to doubt the word of God and began to think that he would not die if he actually eat of the forbidden fruit. In this way men fell in sin and were enslaved by the devil, they were thrown out of paradise and death became their destiny. But God clothed and covered them and made a promise to them, "that the descendants of Eve shall crush and bruise the snake's (serpent) head", that is, the devil's head. So at this very point God began to free mankind from the slavery of satin and men exodus out of sin began.

Later on, Adam got his first son Cain then his second Abel, but Cain killed his brother Abel and became a criminal and a murderer. And God gave Adam, Seth as a replacement for Abel. Thus two nations rose, the descendants of Cain the murderer, that is the descendants of men, and the descendants of Seth, which the book describes as the sons of God. Then men began to multiply, and the two nations intermingled and mixed together. And evil grew so great on earth, that God chose Noah and his family as the selected chosen good people of earth, and he saved them by means of Noah's ark. Yet all the sinners together with all that flied or crawled or walked upon the surface of the earth (all the dinosaurs and others) were destroyed by the great flood. Nothing was saved except those who boarded the ark. Then God made a promise that no new great flood shall ever take place on earth again. And to

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confirm his intention, God made the rainbow as a sign and a reminder of this promise.

Men (the descendants of Noah) were blessed by God who said to them, "Multiply, grow and fill the earth." But instead of filling the earth and dispersing all over it, they started to build a tower in land of Shinar that they may not get lost or scattered. So God confused them and made them speak different languages to scatter them all over the surface of the earth.

Once again evil grew so great on earth. But the promise that was made by God could not be broken, so instead of bringing about a new great flood, God choose Abram and his barren wife Sarai and got them out of their ancestor's land and brought them to the land of Palestine (The Promised Land).

The second period - The Period of the Law:
In the beginning of the story, God chooses Abram and his barren wife Sarai. He asks Abram to leave his land and go to the land of Canaan (The Promised Land) in order to play his role in the theatrical living story which begins here.

God promises Abram that he will bless him with countless descendants. But after some time doubt enters Sarai's hart and when her doubt became a full sin, she started to put doubt in Abram's heart. So she asked him to sleep with her maid Hagar, in order to help God to bring about his promise and make it come true. So he got his first son, the son of the flesh Ishmael from Hagar. And after thirteen years God appears again to Abram and promises that he will give Abram a son from his wife Sarai, and sets a fixed date for that. God also makes with Abram and his descendants a covenant and asks that every male should be circumcised as a sign in the flesh indicating the inclusion of the person in the covenant with God. Abraham got later on his second son Isaac from Sara. And though it displeased Abraham but Sara insisted and God intervened, so the son of the flesh and his mother Hagar were casted out in order to separate the son of

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the promise from the son of the flesh, who began to persecute his brother. And God promised Abraham saying:

Genesis (22 - 17):
I will indeed bless you, and I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand, which is on the seashore. And your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies,
18 and by your descendants shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves,

The descendants of the promise multiplied and became twelve grand fathers of Israel together with their tribes, and the descendants of the son of the flesh also multiplied and became twelve princes and their tribes. And not like Adam's sons and their descendants, here the two descendants those of the son of the promise and those of the son of the flesh did not intermingled and intermix because of the separation that took place. So the son of flesh Ishmael lived in the wilderness of Paran, and the descendants of the promise went down to Egypt for the sake of food and became later on the slaves of the Pharaoh of Egypt. Here God intervened and asked Moses from the midst of the flames of the burning bush to lead the descendants of the promise out of the land of Egypt and the slavery of the Pharaoh. God delivered heavy plagues upon the Pharaoh and his people. Then the descendants of the promise were delivered across the split waters of the Red Sea on dry land, yet all the Egyptians together with their chariots and horsemen were drowned in the sea.

In the wilderness of Sinai and on top of the mountain God gave his people the Law and the Ten Commandments, and asked Moses to make the Ark of Covenant similar to that that Moses saw up the mountain. And when the faith of the descendants of the promise decreased and they began to doubt God's promise, that he will give them the possession of the Promised Land, so God became furious and made them wander in the wilderness for forty years, to be but a symbol for the future wandering of the symbolic chosen people of God in the wilderness of the Law.

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All the circumcised generation who fell under God's wrath fell and died in the wilderness and no one of them was allowed to enter the symbolic Promised Land except for the two believers, Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun. And because of the mistake committed by Moses and his brother Aaron at the waters of Meribah (The Rock), they were not allowed to enter the symbolic Promised Land and as a result they died outside it. Then Joshua the son of Nun took lead of the symbolic chosen people of God and took them on dry land across the river Jordan, which was split through a godly miracle. Then Joshua circumcised the people of Israel at Gibeath-haaraloth (The hill of the foreskins). Joshua then sets the twelve stones that were taken from the midst of the river Jordan from the very place where the priests feet stood as a memorial in the Gilgal.

Later on Jericho was given into Joshua's hands. God ordered him, that a procession should march around the city once a day for six days then seven times on the seventh day. The procession order was that all the men of war went first followed by seven priests bearing seven trumpets followed by the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord followed by the rear guards who carried drinking water for the procession. The walls of the city miraculously fell after the last procession and the city was destroyed and burned, and all its inhabitance were killed. But the Israelites were absolutely forbidden and prevented from taking any spoils out of the city. No one from Jericho was saved except Rahab the harlot and all those who were in her house.

Joshua engaged war with the five kings of the Amorites who were given into his hands. Then God intervened and took part in the war and threw down great hailstones on the enemies of Israel, and stopped the sun over Giboeon and the moon over Aijalon as was requested by Joshua who wanted to take vengeance on the enemies of Israel. The kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish and Eglon fled and hid themselves

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in a cave at Makkedah. Later they were brought out of the cave and the chiefs of war were told to put their feet upon their necks before they were killed. Joshua also made war with the kings of Hazor, Madon, Shimron, Ach Shaph and the kings who were in the notheren hill countries and in Arabah south of Chinneroth and in the lowland, and in Nephothdor on the west, to the Canaanites in the east and the west, the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites and the Jebusites in the hill country, and the Hivites a great army in numbers like the sand of the seashore. Joshua smote them all that no one remained, he hamstrung their horses and burned their chariots with fire. Finally the war ended and the land had peace.

Events & Personalities Of The Real Living Exodus. Events & Personalities Of The Symbolic Exodus.
Adam …………… Abram …..and he was named Abraham.
Eve …………… Sarai…….and she was named Sara
Heaven ……….. The Promised Land (The land of milk and honey).
Adam's first son …Cain.
(The murderer)
Abram first son ..Ishmael.
(The son of the flesh)
Seth …………… Isaac (The son of the promise)
Under the serpent's influence Eve's doubts make Adam doubt God and fall in contempt. Sarai's doubts make Abram doubt God and sleeps with his slave woman Hagar.

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Events & Personalities Of The Real Living Exodus. Events & Personalities Of The Symbolic Exodus.
Food makes Adam fall in sin and contempt and becomes the slave of the Devil. Food makes the Symbolic chosen people fall in the slavery of the Pharaoh of Egypt.
God ……………………. Moses… (You will be as God to Pharaoh).
The prophet Moses …. Aaron .. (Aaron will be your prophet).
The Devil. ……… The Pharaoh of Egypt.
The soldiers of the devil. ….. The soldiers of the Pharaoh.
The Slavery of the Devil. …. The Slavery of the Pharaoh.
The Great Flood in the time of Noah. …………. The Red Sea waters returning and flooding the Egyptians.
The drowning of the sinners in the great flood. ……….. The drowning of the soldiers of the Pharaoh in the Red Sea.
The salvation of Noah and his family by the Ark. ………… The salvation of the Israelites and the crossing of the splitted Red Sea on dry land.
The Exodus out of Sin and the slavery of the Devil.…… The Exodus out of Egypt and the slavery of the Pharaoh.

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Events & Personalities Of The Real Living Exodus. Events & Personalities Of The Symbolic Exodus.
The Law. ………….. The burning Sinai wilderness.
The crucifixion of Christ and his blood. (The water of live). Striking of the rock to bring forth its waters.
God's Ark of Covenant in the heavenly temple.… The Ark of Covenant made similar to that that Moses saw up the mountain.
The salvation by grace and Jesus Christ blood (Baptism). The crossing of the river Jordan.
Christ precedes and enters the heavenly throne about two thousand years before his real chosen people. The Ark of Covenant precedes and enters the river Jordan about two thousand steps before the symbolic chosen people
The river of the water of live flowing from the throne of God in the heavenly Jerusalem. The Jordan river and the Ark of Covenant that stood in the middle of the river Jordan.
The twelve gates of the heavenly Jerusalem are twelve pearls and they are named after the grand fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel. Twelve stones were carried by twelve men, one from each tribe of Israel and were brought out of the river Jordan bed and made into a memorial in Gilgal.
The wall of the heavenly Jerusalem has twelve foundations named after the twelve apostles of Christ. Twelve stones were placed in the river Jordan around the place where the priests bearing the Ark of Covenant stood.
The river of the water of life is so deep it could not be passed. The river Jordan in time of the crossing flooded its banks.

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Events & Personalities Of The Real Living Exodus. Events & Personalities Of The Symbolic Exodus.
At the end of time the Real chosen people of God are saved and they enter the new heavenly Jerusalem. The symbolic chosen people of God were saved and they entered the promised land and later on the earthly Jerusalem.
In the time of the end, seven angels with seven trumpets end the earth and the sinners. Seven priests carrying seven Trumpets go around Jericho and blow their trumpets, the city falls and it is burned down
Jesus Christ reigns in the heavenly Jerusalem at the end of time. King David reigned in the earthly Jerusalem
The Soul. ……….. The blood.
The Judgment. ………. Cupper.
The believers of the New Testament. Aaron and his descendants. (The priests)
God's goodness…….. Gold.
The Redemption and salvation. Silver.
The heavenly Jerusalem. The earthly Jerusalem.
The death and burning in hell (Body and soul). The burning of the offering on the cupper (bronze) altar.
The prayers of the saints. The burning of the fragrant Incense

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