Bio Page


Age 48
Height 6'2" (in socks)
Weight 235
Hair / Eyes Blond / Blue
Sex Male
Status Single - and waiting patiently
Location 40 miles north of Sacramento, CA.
Psychological makeup ISTJ
Education B.S. Computer Engineering

Favorite sayings:

I have never bought a senator, but I have rented them on occasion.
A pair of 45's beats 4 aces every time.
No ones life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness is safe as long as the legislature is in session.
Your a daisy if you do!

 If I was going to write an ad, it would probably look like this:

Country Guy- 48 avg. looks, bln/blu 6'2", 235, seeks honest, resp. for friendship and a long term relationship in a small town atmosphere. No drugs, drunks or head games please. E-mail - all legit answered.

 I was raised in the country. I used to work a lot (6 or 7 days a week, 10 to 12 hours a day, sometimes more). Time to change that. I like to travel, but my idea of travel is not staying in the hotel, it is going out and doing and seeing things! I don't live in a fantasy world, real life is to much like fiction already. I only forgive any indiscretions once. The second time, it's Adios. This may sound harsh, but no sense being made a fool of.

What is on the inside is more important that what is on the outside. I have meet some good looking people that were really ugly on the inside. I won't/can't change my basic personality, and I don't expect other people to do so. The person that I become involved with should be honest, employed, know what they want in life, and be willing to work for it, a decent height to weight ratio, and about 40 to 55 years old. They shouldn't worry about being the center of attention, or so wrapped up in themselves that they can't see all of the other good things in life. (If they take more than 5 minutes on their hair in the morning, forget it) Their meaning of a relationship should be the same as mine. Two people, together, for each other. Not three people, casual flings, or affairs of the heart (or any other kind of affairs).





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