Dating on the Net...

or I've tried everywhere else, now what???

Dating on the Internet... The way of the future... Find your partner here... Personal... Free web personals... Chat lines... and more...

Finding a potential mate or partner these days is more involved, let's take a look at dating through time...

20,000 BC - Find mate, club in submission, drag to cave. Not much romance.

2,000 BC - Prospects were simple, sold to the highest bidder. Ride off into the sunset in a cage. Still not much romance.

1 AD - Village conquered in battle. Prize to the winner. Ride off into the sunset with victor to the next unsuspecting village.

1500 AD - Arraigned marriage, mother and father knew best. Maybe not your first choice, but the new sheep and goats looked great on the old farm.

1800 AD - Old West - limited choices, so you got what ever was available.

1960 AD - Free love between war protests. Find someone that was more than a one night stand, marry, divorce. Marry again. Divorce.

1970 AD - Computer dating services. Singles Bars. Swinging singles magazines and ads.Quickie marriages, and faster divorces. What's your sign?

1980 AD - The bar scene, parties. Doing lunch, dinner, and we'll schedule the wedding when it fits the schedule.

1990's - The INTERNET!!! Cyberspace!!! Meeting people ONLINE!!!

It was easier in 20,000 BC. Hell, you didn't even know about electricity, much less computers. Today, the dating scene is more complicated than it ever was. You never even have to see the person that you tell your secrets and life long ambitions to.

The advantages of meeting online:

The disadvantages of meeting online:


I am trying to keep up hope about dating on the Internet, but you should not. You will meet lots of people, e-mail them and spend hours searching the web just to find the spots where you meet people of your interests. Once you do get an e-mail address, you write the awkward letter, trying to sound interesting, but not desperate (after all, this is your last resort), and HOPE AND PRAY that they will write you back, and they don't live in a grass hut in Argentina. Not that there is anything with living in a grass hut in Argentina, YOU JUST LIVE IN A SUBDIVISION IN RENO, NEVADA!!! Hopefully, an interest will develop and someday you may actually get to meet the person that you have been writing to, and you will both live up to each others expectations.

Trouble signs...

  1. You never hear back from your initial response. The person may be busy, forgotten to get on their computer, forgotten to check their e-mail, (or their e-mail address), already involved, or just to damn inconsiderate to return your e-mail.
  2. The person would really like to meet with you, however their lover, wife, husband, parents just would not understand this. This is best characterized by someone setting up times to meet with you and NEVER actually getting around to showing up.
  3. The persons e-mail account is moved or inactive. (All BAD signs)
  4. The person tells you about what fun they are having all the time with other people that they have met on the Internet, and they will be busy for, say, the next 2 or 3 decades.
  5. They promise to get back to you at a later time. (See numbers 1 to 4 above)

The best things to be on the Internet (you may never know until you actually meet the person)

The worst thing to be on the Internet

Is there hope for dating today? Where else can you have your personal thoughts, tastes, interests, and desires spread across the equivalent of 350 million bathroom walls in virtually every country in the world. Happy hunting.


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