Northgate Apartments North Gate Apartments Review
Salt Lake City, UT, 84101 135 S 500 W

Listen to the noise in the apartment

Window conditioner in 2007. The "construction" crashed each time during windy days.

August 8, 2008. The lease renewal can be a torment. My new lease started on August 1, but the re- certification (started in May) is not completed yet. I mentioned in my application that I might go to school in September (part time). Now they need all information about that, about something that is not started yet and may never start. They are asking me the same questions and make fill out the same forms again and again.
All the time they are trying to convince me that “the state” requires that. I asked if I could talk to “the state” myself. “The state” appeared to be a Nikki Perri-the previous manager of Northgate. The one who “entertained” herself and residents with almost daily false fire alarms and needless repairs during her ruling. The woman was running business for 5 years!, putting the building and everybody in it in danger. Now she is “the state”? No wonder my re-certificaion lasts forever.

August 8, 2009. The lease renewal was 'easy' this year. "The state" only required listing all items that I have in my safety deposit box, even documents.

August 9, 2009. Somebody entered into the apartment that is below me in the middle of the night (about 1am) and slammed the inner door so loudly that I would really surprised if the door is still there. I didn’t hear my neighbors this night, I don’t think that they were there at all. The noise in the middle of the night continued for about two weeks, every night, but with less 'amplitude'(probably felt sorry for the door). I was trying to sleep in the different rooms, but they knew exactly where I was (body detector?) and created noise exactly at this place. I heard the neighbours for a couple of days during this time. I don't hear any neighbours below me now (starting from the end of August 2009), but somebody comes into the apartment below during the day, creates some noise and leaves.

August 10, 2009.Today I noticed that there was a break into my apartment and a bedroom. I always lock my bedroom from both sides (the bathroom and the living room) and tape my outer door when I go out because during Nikki Perri’s ruling two of printers were broken in amazingly short period (both were new). Computer’s modem and the monitor were broken during the new management (Nancy).
Of course the lock and the tape easy to remove, they are just symbolic, but at least I know when they enter in the apartment. I was hoping that it would stop them from entering. No, it doesn’t. This time I lost two carabiners from my paragliding harness, box of printer’s cartilage and some other staff. It doesn’t cost much and I know they don’t need it. The only purpose of their break in – just to make some stupid point, just to harm.

September 6, 2009. They are spying at me all the time, for all four years! They always know when I at home and when not. During Perri I always heard the maintenance with their radio near my door. And all these needless repairs in my apartment! It took several visits from the maintenance and then from Comfort System to fix my air conditioner when it ‘broke’ for the first time. They come, pretend that they are working (all day long going back and forth), but cannot fix it and come again and again. When the conditioner ‘broke’ the second time (with the new management), it was the same story. What they like to do-to drain the coolant. It never helps, but they like to do it, because it causes the smell in the apartment and the headache if you stay in.

And they became really paranoid lately. Every time my friends or relatives visit me (it doesn’t happen often to bother anybody, but just once, sometimes twice a week, at daytime!), they immediately know it. Now, while nobody lives in the apartment below, they come in the apartment and listen what we are doing or create noise there (hey, I have a body detector too!).

What absolutely pisses them off that I have a massage table in the room. And I keep it unfolded, just for spite.

September 23, 2009 When I wrote about the noise in the apartment bellow, I knew perfectly that now they will do it all the time (press on my 'weak' spot). Ha! After four years having 'special neighbors' bellow who created noise all the time and most of it- on purpose, I already don't care about any noise. I was always wandering-what do they give these people? Free rent? It is quite 'a work' for them don't sleep all night long making one noise after another.
But I was right, no surprise. Now, somebody comes in the apartment bellow me every day in the middle of the night, slams the door and leaves. And not only in the apartment below, but also across my door on the same floor (in early mornings). They fulfill their mission in life. Fun to watch.
Security? Could be, they are on the same boat with the management. And they consider it to be their work? Hey, you'd rather don't work at all. As for me, I lock my car and tape my apartment not from outside intruders, but from the management, maintenance and the security. They are the most dangerous for me here. Of course, there are others- the criminals, and simply the idiots who will do what they told to please those they consider important or just for fun, but you don't meet them every day, they come and go. But those who I mentioned, they stay here, all the time. And they receive money for everything they do, including harming the residents. Doesn't matter if they hate me or not, I am still a resident here and have a right to leave here without being harmed and disturbed every time. They don't give me this right.

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