The Guardian of the RPs

Hello I am the Guardian of the RPs, know to most all as Jay. I am currently unaware of my identity, but I can be called up at any time there is need. I have three forms that I can take up; one is as a human, another as a silver shoyru, and finally my true identity which can only be described as my Guardian form. In my Guardian form I look like an elf with large silver shoyru wings and eyes that are a powerful shade of green. As a Guardian I wear a silken mithril tunic and kokirish boots. In any one of my forms when I am called I have the ability to create any item that I wish, weather it be from video games, books, or web sites. My personal favorites though are those from Neopets. Also, when I am in Guardian form I have my most powerful weapon, the Guardian's Staff. The staff can do many things to help me out in battle. Below I will list some of the attacks I can perform with the Staff.

Guardian Staff

Vortex Orbs-The Guardian is able to fire destructive swirling blue and green orbs at the enemy.

Arc of the RPs-The Guardian spins the Staff around himself and thrusts it upwards. A pillar of swirling green and blue energy goes high into the air and comes crashing down. Can be controlled to hit multiple enemies.

Beam of the RPs-The Guardian thrusts his staff and a highly destructive beam of green and blue energy is shot at a single enemy.

Sword of the RPs-The Guardian Staff is transformed into a sword with a green hilt containing the water shard, and has a glowing blue blade. This is his ultimate weapon.

Vortex Shield-The Guardian waves the Staff in front of him and a vortex appears on eathe side of him. Any attack aimed at him will skip to the other side, missing him. Cannot create more than two vortex shields.

Party Restore-The Guardian uses the water shard to restore almost all health to his companions.

Return-After the enemy is defeated and the Guardian is ready his staff glows and returns him to his native Reality Plane, laying his powers dormant and causing him to forget that he is the Guardian. This is in place to prevent corruption from power.


Unfortunately he dosent know me any more than I would usually know him. He and I both posess excessively great abilities dormant until called upon. In our journey he almost always seemed calm and ready for anything.

This little one is one of my most devoted partners. He always stands up for his friends, wheather new or old. He was once a pound pet but I adopted him on the computer, not knowing that my actions in this reality plane directly connected to the actions of the image of me in the Neopets RP. To them WE are the game and ones who advise them on actions.

This is my level-headed partner, Norvil. I can thank him for countless times that he has pointed out possible flaws in our plans and fixed them. He dosent really fight, but he is an invaluable friend.

He is always energized and ready for battle. I can always count on him to back me up in any tight spot. He has a great struggle within him from his having conflicting abilities of both Light and Dark. It is up to him to keep the dark from taking over. He is a very nice friend most of the time, I would hate to be his enemy.

Scenario Dreams

Scenerio Dreams Part I

Scenerio Dreams Part II

Scenerio Dreams Part III

Scenerio Dreams Part IV

Scenerio Dreams Part V

Scenario Dreams 2

Scenario Dreams 2 Part I

Scenario Dreams 2 Part II

Scenario Dreams 2 Part III

Scenario Drams 2 Part IV

The rest of this tale is lost to time...

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