February 14th 2006:
Happy New Year, everybody! And happy valentines day :) As you might have noticed, I have a new design (all thanks to the great makani for making the great picture) I thought it was a cool idea to get it up today. On Valentines <3<3
Also, I just want to recomend to those of the hp-fans out there that have been living under a rock since august last year, that just should really listen to PotterCast and MuggleCast! It's so much fun!

December 13th 2005:
Last update this year ;) I'll be going off to America for christmas vacations, and won't be updating until 2006.
I've got a new wallpaper for y'all :P Kate and Sawyer from LOST!

December 12th 2005:
New buttons, yeay! 10 new LOST icons!
I (heart) LOST! ;)

December 10th 2005:
I wrote a parody on the 1st Harry Potter movie (ps). Check it out here, and I'd love if you leave a comment ;)

December 3rd 2005:
New wallpaper! Draco! Me love <3<3

October 19th 2005:
Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but I've just had so much on my plate! But I have a new wallpaper for you all. LOTR themed ;)

September 19th 2005:
New affiliate! Go and check out Becca's stuff @ Jellyslugs. Also 10 new icons! Enjoy ;)

September 18th 2005:
I have added a new section for Icons. Hope y'all like them ;)

September 16th 2005:
Ah, the Honour! I am from today affiliates with the great site sherbet-lemon.net - Wolfie's site! She has the greatest HP wallpapers, it's really worth checking out her site ;) * New wallpaper ;) Hermione at the Yule Ball. Image from the newest trailer!

September 14th 2005:
I have finally managed to drag my butt around and make some wallpapers. One of Viktor Krum and one of Fleur Delacour. And I also have a new affiliate, Emma Lounge ;)

febuary 2. 2005:
Happy new year, everybody! I know that it's been a long time since I did anything with this site, so it's time for a little update. T-shirt prints!! YEAH! They're all (so far) Harry Potter, but I am also working on some Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean ones.

It would be really great if you could let me know what's good, and make requests on the TagBoard!

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