Norwich, CT - Focus on Homeless Solutions
        Three  Action Steps

STEP ONE:   Mail a letter to an elected official asking him or her to support the supportive housing piece of Governor Rell's proposed budget.  We have created a form letter for you. Simply print it out and send it to the city official, via U.S. Postal Service.

STEP TWO: Contact your local and state legislators.  Instructions and a message to deliver have been created for  you here.

STEP THREE:   Print out at least 10 additional form letters and give them to your friends and co-workers to send to a city official.

About us
What Is   Supportive Housing?    a link to download a definition of Supportive Housing provided by CSH.
Driving through downtown may be the only time that many Norwich citizens catch a glimpse of our growing homeless population.  A glimpse however, tells us very little about these people and the causes of this problem.  The goal of this site is to increase community awareness and understanding of homelessness.

Homelessness is a complex issue. It requires community involvement to solve.  Whether we like it or not, the issue of homelessness touches us all.  The cost to citizens is greater when minimal action is taken to address the issues of safe affordable housing and homelessness. For example, consider the cost of emergency room visits, ambulance trips, incarceration, de-tox centers, residential treatment centers and psychiatric facilities.  Supportive Housing breaks this expensive cycle by integrating the homeless back into the community.

Please join us in this campaign to obtain safe, permanent and affordable housing for everyone. Only when our most basic needs are met can we become a strong and healthy community.  THANK YOU!
We want to thank everyone who attended our show at Kokopelli's on May 4th 2006. We had a great turn out and hope everyone had a great time. We know we did and thank you all for your support!!

Out of Reach
The Housing Wage in Connecticut is $17.90.  This is the amount a full time (40 hours per week) worker must earn per hour in order to afford a two-bedroom unit at the area's Fair Market rent.
click here for more
CT Coalition to End Homelessness - CCEH
Corporation for Supportive Housing -CSH
Local Papers:
Norwich Bulletin
The Day
CT Partnership for Strong Communities
Norwich Human Services
TELL A FRIEND          
Help spread the word.  Email a friend and tell them about this site. The little things we do, can make a difference.
According to Diane Randall, Director of Partnership for Strong Communities in CT, supportive housing does the following:
1) Provides the stability to sustain recovery
2) Facilitates employment and increases individual earnings              3) Reduces the use of emergency care
4) Re-intergrates tenants into the community
5) Creates good neighbors
CT Housing Day 2006:
Restore the Rental Assistance Program: The state Rental Assistance Program (RAP) assists families facing crushing housing costs to pay the rent, while helping struggling lanlords to maintain decent properties. In the face of retrenchment in the fedreal Section 8 housing voucher program, Connecticut should restore fucding to the RAP program and return to its prior dervice level of 2600 families.
Add Back the 1.6 million cut to the DSS Budget: The budget adopted for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2006 includes a $1.6 million dollar cut to the DSS budget, and that this cut is intended to reduce administrative and general costs. These programs already operate on significantly stringent budgets at a time when overall need is increasing. Any cut to their DSS funding jeopardizes their financial viability and adds an undue burdento programs that are providing essential safety net services.
Implement Indexing for Nonprofit Service Providers: Providers funded by the DSS and the DPH were awarded a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for the first time in many years in State Fiscal Year 2006 and should continue to be included. All contract funds, including federal dollars ans fee-for-service accounts, should recieve a COLA.
ECSU Focus Group on Solutions to Homelessness
Contact us! We welcome your comments and thoughts on this issue and web site.
[email protected]
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