Norfolk SAFE Logo Norfolk Norfolk SAFE Logo

Saving Animals From Exploitation

"keeping animal rights issues alive in Norfolk & North Suffolk"

Last updated on Wednesday, 27 November 2008 ~~~~ Site best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution

IMPORTANT - Please note, our next meeting will be heeld on Tuesday, 5th February at 7.30pm at the Roxley Hall, Yarmouth Road, Thorpe St Andrew, Norwich.

Directory . . .

What's new? ~~~~ Quick site index ~~~~ Locate your M.P.

Aims and objectives .~~~~ Brochure and Profile .~~~~ Meetings .~~~~ What's on 'blackboard'

News .~~~~ Newsletters .~~~~ Poetry ~~~~ Petitions .~~~~ Sanctuaries .~~~~ Prisoner support

Greyhound rescue & the dark side of greyhound racing ~~~~ Britain's cruellest horse race

Animal Rights - the way ahead .~~~~ SHAC - the story so far . . . .~~~~ Nancy Phipp's new book

Dr Vernon Coleman's unmet challenge to vivisectionists & 33 facts against vivisection

Huntingdon Life Sciences - Michelle Rokke tells what really goes on there and . . .

Mark Townsend's Observer article of October 2004 .~~~~ Fur - the horrifying truth behind the evil trade

Early Day Motions urge your MP to sign up to them!

Demo site directions ~~~~ Useful links ~~~~ Contact us

Sign our guestbook .~~~~ View our guestbook .~~~~ View our information stall

Quotes . . .

"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing"

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."

"The true measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy" (Martin Luther King)

"Doing terrible things in an organised and systematic way rests on 'normalisation'... It is the function of the experts and the mainstream media, to normalise the unthinkable for the general public." (Edward S Herman)

Recent notable dates . . .

Tuesday, 27th January 2004 - SPEAC win a massive victory over Cambridge University & the Labour Government over their plans to build a huge primate torture centre at Girton.

April 2004 - Harlan UK close their Sussex breeding farms at Cross-In-Hand.

July 2004 - Montpellier Group withdraw from lucrative contract to build Oxford's new animal torture lab.

Wednesday, 15th September 2004 - MPs vote overwhelmingly to ban hunting with dogs in England & Wales.

Tuesday, 23rd August 2005 - Newchurch Guinea Pig Farm to close by end of this year !!

Let's make 2006 the year to Smash HLS & Oxford University's new animal torture lab too!

Barry Horne In memorium Barry Horne

The late, great Barry Horne , a very dear and dedicated man who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the animals . . .

He gave his life! - Rest In Peace.

Lest we forget . . .

Norfolk SAFE Logo Norfolk Saving Animals From Exploitation Norfolk SAFE Logo

is a member of East Anglia Animal Rights Coalition Logo and East Anglia Huntwatch Logo

and fully supports the following national campaigns:


at last ... a voice for the animals in British politics!


Support Hallswood Wildlife Sanctuary

Action For Greyhounds Logo Action For Greyhounds UK Action For Greyhounds Logo

Netcu-Watch (National Extremism Tactical Co-ordination Unit) Harbinger of the Police State!

Animals Count - A new political party for the animals


Make a note of it. You never know when you may need it!

Disclaimer: This web site is for information purposes only. Nothing contained within this site is intended to encourage illegal acts.

Website established February 2001

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