This is my links page


This is my links page. Below you'll find links to all the pages from which I got all this cool animated 'gif' images. You'll also find links to home pages of my friends. To sign my guestbook, go to my main page. To sign my dream book, go to my Enya page.

Get a COOL e-mail address that will last you a lifetime. Chose from their FREE preset choices (you get to chose whatever login name you want) and then you can select the rest from a LONG list. If you're more enthusiastic, and want a specialty name such as [email protected], I-Name can arrange that for you for a small fee. But, their other addresses ARE FREE!!! FREE OFFER - Get a Lifetime Personalized Email Address!

Please do not forget to specify whether you're Human, Alien, or some other lifeform that is currently unkown. I need this information to complete my statistical study of the various interests of various species.

Dear friends, I have a sad announcement to make. I removed the background image that was previously on this page. No text that I experimented with was working with the image on the background. Do not despair though. If I can create a page like this while learning HTML at the same time, I can find a text color that will work with the image. Please bear with me.

Thank you.

Check out Jason's page AWESOME!!!

Permanand Satish Jason Beeharilal is a second year student at Howard University. As a result of his industrious endeavours, he is now classified as a senior after the completion of only two academic years. He will be graduating with 140+ Credit hours worth of work before the Spring of 1998! That is a lot more than the 127 required credit hours that most students find to be a formidable accomplishment, in four years. Give him a look up! He's a friendly person and will gladly answer any question you have.

Check out the Howard University home page

(Be sure to book mark this page to get back.)

Howard University is one of the greatest learning instutuions on the World.

What's so great about it?

The answer is plain and simple. The Teachers! The teachers at Howard University are some of the Greatest in the World. Most of my friends who came from Other Universities compliment Howard for its teachers. They are friendly and always willing to assist students. The student/teacher ratio is also pretty low, so you don't have to worry about reservinf office hours months in advance!!! Most times, you can walk in. This is a far cry from what friends from other universities have been telling about their schools. They told me that their schools have teachers with limited office hours to see too many students. I think I've said enough for Howard. If you have any more questions, plese me.
Here you'll find information on a whole host of stuff such as Careers in Medicine.

Visit Howard's Preprofessional Center home page maintained by P.S. Jason Beeharilal. Here you'll find information on a career in fascinating fields such as Medicine, Law and dentistry. Our Coordinator is Dr. G. Aboko Cole. She is quite a busy lady, but is always willing to assist students. Dr. Aboko Cole is one of the most professional people that I have ever met. You can ask Jason.

Check out this Cool Enya page

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