No Small Mango
Sarah has a new single!
CD Cover Art: What You Preach
To listen, click here
To buy it here
Sarah Crews

Sarah Crews

Mango (man'go) n., 1. a tropical Asian evergreen tree (Mangifera indica) cultivated for its edible fruit.
2. The ovoid fruit of this tree, having a smooth rind, sweet juicy flesh, and a flat one seeded stone. It is eaten ripe or pickled when green.

No Small Mango (no sm�l man'go) n., 1. a delicious new cd of original music by Arizona musician Sarah Crews. Produced and recorded by Peter Sterling of Sedona, Arizona. 2. a metaphor for life.

Enjoy a lucious bite of great tasting tunes with Tim Crews on mandolin and back-up vocals, Robin Miller on electric guitar and bass, Richard Hardy on saxophone and penny whistles, Jenna Dalton on back-up vocals, Steven Sen'Gerni on violin, Dean Olch on flute and shakuhachi, Tina Reichow on percussion, Edward T. Breathitt III on harmonica, Carlos B. Jones on drums, Peter Sterling on harp and keyboard and Sarah Crews on acoustic guitar and vocals.
Listen to MP3 samples and purchase the CD at efolkmusic.
(I recommend visiting the good people at
efolkmusic in any case; they have a terrific site.)

CD Cover Art: No Small Mango
No Small Mango
"Even if it is right
that there's only this one life
Oh really taste that bite
Sweet life
No small mango"

To order CDs
contact Sarah directly by email [email protected]
to receive information on where to

send checks drawn on a US bank
or money orders in US dollars.
   (US dollars cash accepted at sender's risk.)
$14.50 for each No Small Mango CD
$6.00 for each What You Preach Single
If you would like to pay with a credit card:
  • You may purchase No Small Mango through efolkmusic
  • And you may purchase What You Preach through Angel Train in Canberra, Australia.

    Questions? contact Sarah via email ([email protected])

  • Please be sure to state:
  • which CDs you are purchasing and
  • include your mailing address.

  • The price listed here includes postage within the US.
  • Allow 2 weeks for delivery.
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