Accroche   accroche  accroche ...
Personal fond memories from the late 90s.
The Ultimate Final Fantasy VII Art & Music Site
Original Address: 
Years Active: 3 (1997 to 2000) 
Years Online: 13 (1997 to 2009) 
Frames: No 
Current Address: 
-WARNING- Music autoplays in some browsers on the first page. 
Brief History: 
A fan site dedicated to Final Fantasy 7 with hopes of adding Final Fantasy 8 content. Art and music (of course) were the main focus of the site. This site in its height had a Guestbook as well as a Chat room that visitors could interact with. During the time of its moderation the creator also began working on another fan site called Gohan's Web Promote on a different host server (Angelfire, I believe). That particular site freely took requests in linking other sites to each other or added them to webrings according to their content. The creator would come back and work on the Final Fantasy site from time to time though. 
Most of the content on the page was preserved thanks to logging in before the Yahoo merger and also prior to them shutting Geocities down. During that time Alexa crawled the site eventually allowing The Internet Archive Wayback Machine to have a skeletal copy. This version however was retrieved mostly from The Geocities Gallery - A restorativland project, but is now more complete than that one. 
Only some very slight modifications were made such as the re-uploading of Geocities, Guestworld Guestbook, and Beseen Chat ad graphics to this server since the original links are no longer available. The music that plays on the main page had to be re-dowloaded and given a new player to load it. Then finally, a disclaimer and a link at the bottom of each page that leads back here was added. Overall, minus the Guestbook or Chat entries, the site is nearly perfect to how it originally was at the time of its deletion.
FINAL FANTASY VII & FINAL FANTASY VIII © media and characters are all owned by Square-Enix l The Ultimate Final Fantasy VII Art & Music Site -and- The [Resurrected] Final Fantasy VII Art & Music Site are fan sites owned by Cloud607 and updated / moderated by LAV