Waffles & Nail Polish

October 1, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome to Waffles and Nail Polish! I'm your webmistress Nani and this is the TFL approved fanlisting for the incredibly sexy, black nail polish wearing, waffle making character from Coffee Prince (you guessed it) No Sun Ki! Please take a look around and if you like join. ^o^ If you have any comments or concerns please feel free to contact me at [email protected] and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


  • Newest Members: None :(
  • Pending Members: 0
  • Total Members: 7
  • Last Updated: February 18, 2009


  • Version: Film Roll
  • Starring: Kim Jae Wook as No Sun Ki
  • Color Scheme: Creams and Brown
Whooo! This is the brand new layout for the brand new No Sun Ki fanlisting! Thank God it's finally done! lol! Anywhos, just a quick blurb about this lay. Its a very simple, very straight forward layout that's easy to navigate with very subdued colors. I wanted to go for something that had browns in it so that I could hopefully bring out that coffee aspect from the show. Carrying on with that theme I designed the banner to include a film role so that it gave it that tv aspect as well. I hope everyone likes it and if you have any suggests give me a holler at [email protected].

Layout & Site by: Nani
This fanlisting has been approved by TFL

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