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Pension Information

Last updated January 1, 2003 Comments?

Nortel Pension Plan member discussion

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Bill 198 - Proposed amendments to PBA



Ontario Pension Benefits Act (PBA)

Regulation 909

Pension Lump Sum Calculation

Computation of Transfer Values from Registered Pension Plans

15 year government bond rates

(checkmark B14013 to get rate for non-indexed pension lumpsum calculation)

Statcan: Pension Plans offered by Employers

Pension plan: Employer Obligations and Potential Liabilities


Employee Retirement Income Security Act - ERISA

In The News

... or a way to redress imbalance (NP
An end to surplus-sharing ... (NP)
Pension peeking: Reviewing your plan's well-being (DN)
Firms trim retiree health care
Seniors travel to Queen's Park to protest Bill 198 (G&M)
Urge congress to safeguard worker investments in 401(K) plans IEEE
Pension peeking: Reviewing your plan's well-being Dallas Morning News
US treasury proposals expected on pension changes CBS
Ontario gets Consent To Withdraw Pension Measures
Firms trim retiree health care LA Times

98% of Defined Benefit pension plans underfunded (MS)
Is Ontario eyeing employee pensions? (NP)
Ontario Tories defend disputed pension clauses (G&M)
Laid_of workers can claim pension surplus (NP)
Another Cloud on the Horizon for Lucent Retirees (NYT)
Pension Bomb - More big companies face huge obligations to retirees (TM)
How to ensure your vintage years (G&M)
HR employees have big say on pension plans (NP)
Ontario pension changes will spark war with labour and retirees (CP)
Bear market dashes retirees' dreams (OC)
Pensions: Lack of enforcement costing workers hundreds of millions of dollars

Pension Plans: Always read the fine print (iamaw)
Lucent to record $3 billion equity charge due to reduced pension assets
$700 million decline in value of the investments in Nortel pension plans (BL)
One in two mutual funds have lost money over five years (G&M) (G&M)

Pension annuity versus lumpsum (WSJ)
7 Costly Pension Pitfalls (AARP)
How safe is your pension? (MSNBC)

Pension Plan riding out market volatility (OBJ)
GM's huge pension liability leads to stock downgrade (G&M)
Defined benefit pension plans: good for workers, bad for unsuspecting investors (G&M)
US$1B loss at Nortel pension plan(NP)
Nortel retirement plans hammered by stock slide (OBJ)
Nortel Networks Corp flashing a red flag in the benefits program
Nortel pension/financial workshops from Towers-Perrin no longer offered
Market volatility pinches equity returns for CPP
Pension hit the latest hurdle for Nortel Growing shortfall
With US$6-billion in total assets in the plans, Nortel has enough to meet 10 years' worth of benefit payments. That means the company is not under the gun to use its dwindling cash resources to prop up the pension plan, analysts said.

Nortel faces $1.5-billion pension, benefit shortfall
Nortel Networks Corp. is confronting yet another fianancial hurdle as losses in its pension and benefit plans have resulted in a $1.5-billion US funding shortfall and may hold back its attempts to regain profitability this year.

In the company's new 10-K form, an annual financial document filed with U.S. securities regulators, Nortel reveals that a sharp decline in its pension plan investments in 2001, combined with an increase in benefits paid, resulted in an unfunded pension liability of $1.5 billion US.

Nortel has been rapidly firing staff and closing plants to staunch the flow of red ink. Losses reached $27.3 billion US last year.
(Calgary Herald March 14, 2002 page D12)

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Algoma sweetens offer to bond holders
Algoma plan rejected by noteholders
Algoma wins further reprieve after filing restructuring plan
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