Say No to ID cards
Privacy, make your voice heard


"Instead of wasting hundreds of millions of pounds on compulsory ID cards as the Tory Right demand, let that money provide thousands more police officers on the beat in our local communities"

These were the words of Tony Blair at the 1995 Labour party conference in Brighton.
We now face the introduction of compulsory ID cards that we will have to pay for, in more ways than one ! Every time we change our address we will pay, any other change in our personal details will attract another charge. If we don't pay we will pay anyway, in the way of a fine.

People are concerned that ID cards are hostile and will increase the power of the authorities who will use them against the individual. Why should law abiding people be forced to pay for such an imposition to rectify the failure of the government to tackle crime ?

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Join the protest at the introduction of these ID Cards in the UK, wear a T shirt, a badge or even a BBQ Apron. There is a wide range of products available to make your feelings on privacy known.

Please take the time to sign the guestbook. If there is enough interest it will be turned into a Petition.

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Further Info :

Great site about modern life, individuals with a point of veiw, take a look.


Very factual site, excellent recources to help campaign


Lots of info on ID cards.
Definately worth a visit
           Libertairian Alliance, good source of info and ideas Join the campaign !




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