Privatisation of public assets is being carried out in a big way in all parts of the globe to serve the interest of the maximisation of profits of the monopolies and at the expense of the interest of the people. There is an urgent need to pool the Indian and the international experience to expose the fraudulent claims made to justify this anti-social trend and to strengthen the movement against it. This site is dedicated to all those who believe that the economy must serve the needs of the entire population. Lok Raj Sangathan (LRS) calls on everybody, who has access to any information, reports and views that will assist in this quest, to write to us.


July 18, 2004

Please e-mail us articles/views/reports on the subject that you would like us to host on this web site.

Recent Additions:

Memorandum submitted to the Honourable Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh regarding privatisation of Modern Food Industries (India) Ltd - Delhii (July 6, 2004)

Memorandum submitted to the Honourable Prime Minister, Chairperson, United Progressive Alliance, Honourable Finance Minister, Honourable Minister of Labour, Honourable Minister of Food Processing Industry regarding privatisation of Modern Food Industries (India) Ltd - Mumbai (June 10, 2004)

Lok Raj Sangathan (Maharashtra Committee) calls on you to support the just struggle of the MSEB workers - Mumbai (June 2004)

Memorandum submitted by Lok Raj Sangathan to the Honourable Committee set up by the Ministry of Labour to enquire into results of privatisation of Modern Food Industries (India) Ltd., and BALCO - Delhi (May 21, 2004)

Step Forward for the Workers in their struggle against Privatisation of Modern Foods (India) Limited, Statment of Lok Raj Sangathan - Delhi (May 21, 2004)

Lok Raj Sangathan talked with Shri Joglekar, Vice President of the MSEB Workers Federation (AITUC) - Mumbai (May 7, 2004)

One-day Anti-Privatisation Workshop Program in English - Mumbai (Oct 27, 2002)
Organised jointly by the All India Port and Dock Workers Federation and Lokraj Sangathan. Click here for the program in Hindi One-day Anti-Privatisation Workshop Program in Hindi

and more ....

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