The call for war given by the US President and government, in response to the terrorist attack on the WTC and Pentagon on September 11, is fraught with grave consequences for the peoples of the world. Lok Raj Sangathan (LRS) condemns the terrorist attack as a dastardly crime against people. However, many of us do not believe that the US-led war is going to resolve anything. This site is dedicated to all those who seek peace, justice and dialogue between peoples. We request everybody, who has access to any information, reports and views that will assist in this quest, to write to us.


Last updated 18 July 2004

Recently added

A letter from an israeli soldier refusing to serve in the army - by Chaim Feldman

,Chaim Feldman is a combat reservist. He was jailed for 21 days last year for refusing to serve the occupation. On Monday it is very like that he will be jailed again. This letter to his unit liaison officer explains why: (July 2004)

US troops voice anger at Pentagon - by James Conachy

Last week witnessed an extraordinary event in Iraq. Uniformed soldiers from one of the US Army’s main combat units openly denounced Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on ABC national news and demanded that they be brought home. Other media outlets published interviews with soldiers declaring that their morale was “non-existent.” (3 August 2003)

Peaceful Warrior - by Chris Strohm and Ingrid Drake

As the U.S. occupation of Iraq extends with no end in sight, and the death toll for both U.S. soldiers and Iraqi civilians continues to mount, more voices of dissent from military personnel and families are audible every day.

Military perspectives on Iraq - by V.R. Raghavan

Rushing (Indian troops) to Iraq without clarity on the fundamentals of the national interest will place the military in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and for the wrong reasons.

Dying for Dubya: The Illogic of Indian Troops in Iraq - by Siddharth Varadarajan

I wonder if L K Advani and others in the Vajpayee government who are so anxious to send soldiers to Iraq have ever heard of Lance Naik Anthony, III F.13, of the Bullock Corps? ... They, along with thousands of Indian soldiers, perished on the battlefields of Iraq during and after World War I, fighting a war of conquest and pacification against a fraternal people for the greater profit and glory of the British Empire.

Lessons of empire - by Amitav Ghosh

India is faced with the prospect of re-enacting one of the ugliest and most repugnant aspects of its colonial history... India has much to lose and nothing to gain from this.

American durbar
Indian troops in Iraq would signal the beginning of a subsidiary alliance
- by Mani Shankar Aiyar

We are not being invited to keep the peace. We are being invited to consolidate an occupation. There are ample forces available to the invading forces to stabilise what they have destabilised.

Chowkidar to the Empire? - by P. Sainath

Should India send troops to Iraq? Support for such a move fills the media. Terms like “rent-an-army” and “lucrative contracts” pop up time and again. But sacrificing our troops to serve American interests and the greed of Indian elite will not be just morally reprehensible. It will be the most dangerous and provocative act of folly.

Revealed: How the road to war was paved with lies Intelligence agencies accuse Bush and Blair of distorting and fabricating evidence in rush to war - by Raymond Whitaker

The case for invading Iraq to remove its weapons of mass destruction was based on selective use of intelligence, exaggeration, use of sources known to be discredited and outright fabrication, The IIndependent on Sunday can reveal.

Ungrateful Ali - The Painful Paradox of Embedded Freedom - by Siddharth Varadarajan

12-year-old Iraqi child, Ali, lost his arms — and his entire family — in the US bombing. ... Ali and other victims of the US invasion — and of the economic sanctions kept in place all these years by Washington — should be allowed to sue the US government. The money for Iraq’s reconstruction should come from these reparations, and not from the oil resources of a people who have already suffered so much.

Massive Protest in Baghdad against US Occupation of Iraq
By Hassan Hafidh
- reported by Hassan Hafidh

A report from Reuters news agency on a protest demonstration in Baghdad in which tens of thousands Iraqis protested against the US invasion of Iraq.

Why I declined to Review Paper for Physical Review? - by Daniel Amit

Dr. Daniel Amit of University of Rome is a well-known physicist. He was recently requested to review a paper in the Physical Reviews. Dr. Amit declined the request from the scientific journal. We have reproduced the email exchange that took place between Dr. Amit and the Editor-in-chief of the jjournal

Would President Assad invite a cruise missile to his palace? - by Robert Fisk

So now Syria is in America's gunsights. First it's Iraq, Israel's most powerful enemy, possessor of weapons of mass destruction – none of which has been found. Now it's Syria, Israel's second most powerful enemy, possessor of weapons of mass destruction, or so President George Bush Junior tells us...

A day that began with shellfire ended with a once-oppressed people walking like giants -by Robert Fisk

The Americans "liberated" Baghdad yesterday, destroyed the centre of Saddam Hussein's quarter-century of brutal dictatorial power but brought behind them an army of looters who unleashed upon the ancient city a reign of pillage and anarchy.

One Rule for them - Five PoWs are mistreated in Iraq and the US cries foul. What about Guantanamo Bays? - by George Monbiot

His prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, in Cuba, where 641 men (nine of whom are British citizens) are held, breaches no fewer than 15 articles of the third convention. The US government broke the first of these (article 13) as soon as the prisoners arrived, by displaying them, just as the Iraqis have done, on television.

Trial of Henry Kissinger by Christopher Hitchens - book review by Sreeram Chaulia

Christopher Hitchens has pieced together some of the most odious of Kissinger’s foreign policy wrongdoings in a bill of indictment that can be made the basis of prosecution for crimes against humanity, war crimes and offenses against international law.

Global crisis over Iraq: Resistance is never futile - by Arundhati Roy

What can we do? We can improve our memory, learn from our history. We can build public opinion until it becomes overwhelming. We can expose George Bush and Tony Blair, and their allies, as baby killers, water poisoners, and cowardly long-distance bombers. ...

Letter of Resignation of US Ambassador to Greece - by John Brady Kiesling

Text of the letter of resignation written by John Brady Kiesling, a member of Bush's Foreign Service Corps and Political Counselor to the American embassy in Greece. Kiesling has been a diplomat for twenty years, a civil servant to four Presidents. The letter below, delivered to Secretary of State Colin Powell, is quite possibly the most eloquent statement of dissent thus far put forth regarding the issue of Iraq.

Iraq vs. US Quiz

Some information worth knowing that you’ll never get on CNN! Do you know enough to justify going to war with Iraq? Take the War on Iraq IQ Test.

Not In Our Name - A Statement of Conscience signed by over 40,000 people in the US

Let it not be said that people in the United States did nothing when their government declared a war without limit and instituted stark new measures of repression. The signers of this statement call on the people of the U.S. to resist the policies and overall political direction that have emerged since September 11, 2001, and which pose grave dangers to the people of the world. Tens of thousands of US citizens have signed a statement clearly dissociating themselves from the war mongering of the US and British imperialists. Many prominent celebrities, including Nobel Laureates are among the people in the US itself who have opposed armed intervention in Iraq.

Not In Our Name - Photographs of millions around the world demonstrating against War

Never before has humanity reacted so coherently at a global scale as against the war mongering of the US imperialist and its allies. Hugh demonstrations took place in Washington DC, New York, San Francisco, London and other cities of the American, European, Asian, African continents on the 19th of January 2003. Even larger demonstrations took place 14th and 15th of February, which even covered Antartica. Demonstrators carried banners not only against US and British aggressive plans but against support that their own governments may lend to these imperialist powers. Visit the Photo Gallery to see pictures of demonstations in different part of the world.

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