Why hasn’t a cure for Pedophilia been found?


I know there are people trying but there is also issues of funding and one track thinking.  There has to be an answer but the resistance towards finding one seems huge.  Of course, society must temper finding a solution with protecting victims.  I get that.  But Why no advances in science after all this time. 


I put this page up in hopes that I would find a medical professional willing to look again at this issue from a different perspective.  I am from Ontario Canada and am obviously limited as to travel.

I know there are people in the field locally but getting to the person willing to challenge conventional thought is near impossible. 


Please read my proposal  


I can be emailed at [email protected]


Proposal for

Invasive Methods to Eradicate Pedophilia



Table of Contents








About the Author



Personal Interaction



Definition Of Pedophilia






Treatment Methods



Testing Methods



My Proposal



The Evil Within



















  Avoiding or hoping that since the problem is so embarrassing, complicated and sensitive an issue it will go away hasn’t worked.  And it wont.  And people will ask why hasn’t anything been done to fix this?  The answer will be simply, because no one had the courage.


Pedophilia has been around for many years.  The theories as to why are as diverse as the perpetrators who commit sexual offences on children.  I have decided to make it my goal to change the face of pedophilia in a way that seems impossible.  To find a cure for what I believe is a biologically oriented disorder.  Yes, I have myself been charged with sexual offences against children.  The first charge, I offended against 2 males and the most recent, a 9 year old girl.  There was no penetration and much of the details of my offences were “textbook” offences which mean that some research has been correct in identifying aspects of pedophilia.  However, the how is not an aspect of this proposal.  With the how, we are subject to societal bias and fear.  The how is an excellent tool for attempting to prevent more innocent victims through education.  Unfortunately, the how has not been 100% effective.  If it was, there would be no more victims.


Anyone reading this might wonder why I choose to attempt this and why it is not being done by highly skilled doctors and psychiatrists.  To be honest, most of the information I am presenting has been done by those people.  Unfortunately, funding is limited in this area of research and the opinions vary immensely.  What I have done, is look at the various theories, incorporated them with my thought patterns and summarized a conclusion.  Of course, this whole process stops at theory unless I am able, with this paper to convince people who are able to take this one step farther. 


I of course do have something to gain.  Due to my offending behaviour, I lost a family that was very important to me.  My offending behaviour caused intense pain, confusion, frustration and a sense of loss.  In them, my hope for a real future existed.  I was happy and looked forward to a lifetime with them and their extended.   My upbringing was difficult.  In order to keep this paper focused, I will not spend much time disclosing my past abuses and struggles.  The only reason I mention it is to show that the last thing in the world I would want to do is loose that family.  That future companion.  Yet, even though I put such value on them, I still offended.  The why.  The why would I offend knowing that I would loose everything that was important to me is the focus of this proposal.  I have nothing to loose but everything to gain.  I am dedicated to find a solution.  I know that there will be variables and obstacles but without trying, we advance no where.  However, what if it’s successful.  What if through science and medicine, we are able to eliminate pedophilia. 


I have spent some time researching information on the topic.  Both treatment methods and theories as to it existence.  I hate pedophilia, yet somehow, I am afflicted with it.  According to pro-pedo rights groups, it is because I have yet to come to terms with it as a way of life.  I don’t believe there exists a world where an acceptable way of life is to cause harm to the most vulnerable.  That would somehow reflect a Darwin’s theory of evolution style of thinking.  In which case it would then be perfectly acceptable for perpetrators to die in prison, since the strongest survive.  That however is not the world I choose to live in.  I believe those who claim pedo rights are merely pedophiles who have given up and they want the rest of society to give up to.  What kind of world would that create?  Then, there are the child sex offenders who rape and kill.  These peoples issues are even more complex in that they exhibit sociopath issues.  No, these are not the people this proposal represents.  It represents people who are traumatized by their own actions.  Who believe that what they have done is so perverse that they could never possible re-offend.  Yet do.  This proposal represents the person, who when arrested, the people around shout, “It can’t be true, he was a great guy”. 


Those people represent the majority of child sexual offenders.


























In order to make this more understandable, I have decided to begin with some discussion of various methods of treatment and why these methods have been employed.  I also am going to discuss the success of those treatments.  After each method, I will insert some comment if any from my own personal experience.  Part of my proposal reasoning is based on the fact that it would be impossible for a person not afflicted with pedophilia to have the same thought patterns and processes as a person with.  I only hope to give insight.


Followed by this is my theory.  I do realize I am neither a scientist nor a professional but given that I am the one with the issue, I figured some of my insight might have value.  There have been a great number of people who have done research but they have not come together with each other.  While looking at their theories, I can piece parts that make sense for me and try to design a string or reasons to form a conclusion.


Finally at the end there will be a conclusion with the hope that someone will attempt this conclusion of me as their test subject. 











About the Author:


I am a Canadian male, aged 35.  (1971)I was born in Mississauga and have resided the southern Ontario region for my entire life.  I have no children.  I moved out from home when I was approximately 22.

I have had a “reasonable” amount of girlfriends throughout my life and was married in 1998.  The marriage was separated in 2005.

I have been sexually, emotionally and physically assaulted.  My earliest recollection of sexual abuse was at the age of 6.  I do not have an earliest recollection of physical abuse as it seems it was constant and existed my entire life.  While I believe I was sexually assaulted several times, I do not have facts of clear memories of the events.  Some were friends of family, a teacher, a security guard and perhaps my own mother.  I have very few memories from my childhood and the ones I do recall are unpleasant.

As a child I was presently fairly happily.  I wet the bed until aged 9 and soiled until age 7.

As a teen I was defensive.  Although I had a tendency to violence, I often encouraged others to be violent on my behalf.  I had little fear of life or death.

I am insecure.  While throughout my life, I have attempted to overcome this, the fact remains.  I am often given praise for tasks which I believe are inadequate.  I am partially a perfectionist.

Socially I am accepted.  I behave well in groups of people and often am a leader of my peers.  I show clear boundaries.

Sexually, I was repressed.  Beyond masturbation, I had little sexual experience.  When married, sex was still sporadic.  The past year, sex has been far more frequent and pleasurable with my girlfriend. 

Education.  I have completed high school with an ossd and had average grades.  I continued to college while working to support myself.  I completed all the tasks to have received the diploma however, could not afford to pay the final bill and was forced to leave it uncompleted.  I continue to learn quickly.  Whmis, first aid, cpr, cpi.  I absorb information quite quickly.

Employment: My first job was at McDonalds, then Pizza Delivery, woolco and a summer camp.  After high school, I worked fulltime as a youth worker, public relations personnel, head of security at a street mission.  I then became a sign sales person, midnight newspaper delivery and a juice Technician for a coffee company.  Finally, I started my own businesses.  One was a sign company and one a beverage repair company.  I excelled in every one of the jobs listed and always rose to the highest position available and within my educational level.  I am punctual and reliable. 

I was reprimanded and sent for counseling at 13 for touching a female child inappropriately.  No follow-up beyond that point.  In 2001 I was charged for sexually assaulting 2 male children.  One ages 13 and the other aged 10.  I was given a conditional sentence of 90days in jail on weekends and 3 years probation.  I was also required to attend treatment which consisted of group therapy and a maintenance group.  Shortly after the term of my probation ended, I offended against a 9 yr old girl.  The girl was the daughter of my girlfriend.  I am currently awaiting court matters on this issue.

I wrote these so that you might be able to compare my information with the various theories.  For example.  Some conclude offending might be due to lack of sexual relations.  This theory would not hold true since while sex was sporadic at the time of the second offence, it was not at the time of the last.  Therefore, one could conclude that while this may be factor of experience for some, it will not be deemed as causal.




My personal interaction with the system

(only written to give share why someone would not openly seek help or rely upon the justice system.  Also to share my own personal bias)

While his seems odd to place here, I felt it was important to note since I am looking at flaws in the system and hoping to evoke a real positive change in the way pedophilia is eliminated. 

The Police.  Generally, the police treat the offender properly (obviously this also means the offender is behaving properly).  Not only the detectives, but also the ones who escort the offender to various places.  However, general police do not have the training to approach offenders when in routine business.  I personally have been pulled over 2 times and thrown in the back of a police car while the officers search my car.  Then, they ask me questions about my offences and also on occasion have been physically assaulted.  Why didn’t I report this?  Because a person with this type of offence does not last in custody and it is unwise to anger the people who can reveal your charges.

Jail guards.  Only once has a jail guard attempted to cause me harm.  While in mimico detention center, the guard as loud as possible stated my charges in front of other inmates.  Fortunately, I was in solitary confinement for my own safety.

Counseling and medical professionals. 

The doctor who examined me was very professional.  I was confused as to what was happening with me and why I had offended.  When I left, he stated he didn’t think I was a huge risk to re-offend and sent me to testing.  To my surprise his court documents stated untruths. 

The person who tested me was very unprofessional.  He ordered me to go into graphic detail of my offences and elaborated on them.  When he did this, it made me feel uncomfortable.  He physically touched me on the leg several times and whispered in my ear during the phallometric testing.  I realized that there was no method of recourse.  He made me continue in counseling with him and ordered me to sever my other counseling.  I did.  At one point he ordered me to alter other people in my life’s living situation.  I refused.  The following session I ended the counseling but he informed me he was going to end it since I was untreatable.  Following that, he wrote a scathing review for my court appearance.  Had I just done what he wanted, he likely would have written a reasonable report.  His erratic behaviour reminded me of an offender. 

My group therapy counselor was very good.  He controlled the group and did not hesitate to take an offender to task in discussion.  He was fair and clear in everything he said.
















Definition of Pedophilia


International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (F65.4) defines pedophilia as "a sexual preference for children, boys or girls or both, usually of prepubertal or early pubertal age.”

The APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition, Text Revision gives the following as its "Diagnostic criteria for 302.2 Pedophilia"

·         Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).

·         The person has acted on these urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.

·         The person is at least age 18 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.

Do not include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12 or 13-year-old.

The actual boundaries between childhood and adolescence may vary in individual cases and are difficult to define in rigid terms of age. The World Health Organization, for instance, defines adolescence as the period of life between 10 and 19 years of age, though it is most often defined as the period of life between the ages of 13 and 18.

The APA diagnostic criteria do not require actual sexual activity with a child. The diagnosis can therefore be made based on the presence of fantasies or sexual urges alone, provided the subject meets the remaining criteria.


Theories of why this occurs

** It should be noted that there are three main types of research groups which makes data collection difficult.  The three groups are very extreme.  One being a foundation for science.  This is scientific groups collecting data to make a synopsis and appears to be the most reliable.  The second is the Anti-pedo movement.  This group tends to exaggerate certain facts to ensure punishment or minimize facts to eliminate excuses.  The third is the pro-pedo movement.  These people tend to attempt to minimize the impact of abuse and rationalize their behaviours while trying to convince their audience that the behaviour is normal.  While I may not subscibe to the reasoning for the study, I must accept thast the stuydy exists and perhaps can shed light on this topic.


The abused=abuser

This theory has been stated often as a reason why someone would have a bused and in fact is often raised by a defendant.  While this would appear to make some sense, research has proven that although there is prevalence to abuse and that some offenders have in the past been sexually abused, not all offenders were in fact sexually abused.  Also, it is important to note that not all children who were sexually abused grow up to become offenders.

While the information varies depending upon which political agenda funded the study, it is somewhat consistent that approx 10% of abuse victims become offenders.  Also, it is found that approx. 30% of Offenders were victims of abuse.  Although this is approximates, the statistics are not near 100% so therefore are not relevant for the purpose of this document.

So in conclusion, while this explanation gives a great excuse for why an offender would offend, it is not consistent and therefore irrelevant for the purposes of this paper.


I was offended as a child.  It is my belief that this occurred often.  While this may have impacted my learning of sexual issues, it did not “Cause” me to become an offender.  However, the fact that I became sexually aware at such a young age may be a factor in the sexual games I played as an adolescent.  It also may have been a place of resource for me when it came to my own offending behaviour. (It is interesting to note that my offending behaviour mimicked the events of my own sexual abuse).  This was not a cognitive decision to offend in this fashion.


Psychoanalytic theories

Ah, Freud.  Theories about pedophilia typically involve ideas about child sexuality, fixation at an infantile developmental stage, oedipal conflict, projection, castration anxiety, and narcissism. Any sexual behaviors that resemble childhood activities are assumed to indicate "regression" to, or "fixation" at, an immature stage, and are assumed to be due to some developmental difficulty in childhood, usually involving Freud’s "Oedipus complex."

While I might buy some of this, I can’t believe that this is a root cause.  Plus it is subject to offender discloser and there is little scientific way to test this theory.  However, this in combination with brain development might have some merit.  No research could be found on the topic of learning except as listed below.  Unfortunately, no correlation was made.


This also appears to indicate that the offender would perceive his behaviours, or at least his feeling about his behaviours as normal.  I do not feel that.  Nor do several other offenders I have met or read about.  So while this theory may have some merit re: “being Stuck at a sexual developmental stage”, I find it difficult to believe that one stuck at this stage could also have mature adult sexual relations.

Biological theories

Some research has shown that the hormonal difference between pedophiles and normal adult males are indifferent.  There have been noted chromosome differences but this research has not been pursued.  Brain pathology also may be a factor.


  • Speculative theories involve a chromosomal antigen which controls the development of sexuality and deviation through instinct and imprinting. However, no studies have specifically addressed the role of genetic factors in pedophilia.
  • An interesting incident which I have attached below indicated an issue with the frontal lobe.  Specifically regarding impulse control.  Combine this with the above issue and…?

Pedophile lost urge after surgery

Case raises questions about how tumors affect behavior

Updated: 6:49 p.m. ET Oct 31, 2003

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. - There was something wrong with the schoollteacher with the headache — doctors could see that from the start. Though charming and intelligent, the 40-year-old man couldn’t stop leering at female nurses. He had been in trouble with the law for sexual advances toward his stepdaughter, and now he was talking about raping his landlady.

University of Virginia Medical Center neurologists Dr. Russell Swerdlow and Dr. Jeffrey Burns had never seen a case like this.

The man had an egg-sized brain tumor pressing on the right frontal lobe. When surgeons removed it, the lewd behavior and pedophilia faded away. Exactly why, the surgeons cannot quite explain.

“It’s possible the tumor released some pre-existing urges,” Burns said. “But that’s a tough debate, we just don’t know.”

The outcome raises questions not only about how tumors alter brain function, but also how they can influence behavior and judgment.

Daniel T. Tranel, a University of Iowa neurology researcher, said he has seen people with brain tumors lie, damage property, and in extremely rare cases, commit murder.

‘Less free will than you think?’
“The individual simply loses the ability to control impulses or anticipate the consequences of choices,” Tranel said.

Dr. Stuart C. Yudofsky, a psychiatrist at the Baylor College of Medicine who specializes in behavioral changes associated with brain disorders, also has seen the way brain tumors can bend a person’s behavior.

“This tells us something about being human, doesn’t it?” Yudofsky said. If one’s actions are governed by how well the brain is working, “does it mean we have less free will than we think?”

It’s a question with vast implications in the criminal justice system.

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that executing mentally retarded murderers is unconstitutionally cruel because of their diminished ability to reason and control their urges.

Chris Adams, a death penalty specialist for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, thinks the next logical step would be to include people who have brain tumors.

“Some people simply don’t have the frontal lobe capacity to stop what they’re doing,” he said.

Human behavior is governed by complex interactions within the brain. But scientists think most “executive functions” — decisions with major consequences — are controlled within the frontal lobes, the most highly evolved section of the brain.

Tumors in that area can squeeze enough blood from the region to effectively put it to sleep, dulling someone’s judgment in a way that’s similar to drinking too much alcohol.

Only in very rare cases would the tumor turn the person to violence or deviant behavior on its own, Tranel said.

Dr. Patrick J. Kelly, chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at New York University Medical Center, said he’s never seen a tumor turn someone into a pedophile.

“I’ve seen them make people hyperactive, forgetful, apathetic,” Kelly said. “And it usually takes a fairly extensive tumor to do that ... the size of an orange maybe.”

No control over impulses
The Virginia schoolteacher with the tumor didn’t respond to written interview requests by The Associated Press made through his doctors. But according to his case report, which Swerdlow and Burns wrote in the Archives of Neurology, the man didn’t remember having abnormal sexual urges for most of his life.

In 2000, the man began collecting sex magazines and visiting pornographic Web sites, focusing much of his attention on images of children and adolescents.

Eventually he couldn’t stop himself, telling doctors “the pleasure principle overrode” everything else. When he started making subtle advances on his young stepdaughter, his wife called police. He was arrested for child molestation.

The man was convicted and failed a 12-step rehabilitation program for sexual addiction because he couldn’t stop asking for sex favors, according to the case report.

The day before he was to be sentenced to prison, the man walked into the emergency room with a headache. He was distraught, Swerdlow said, and was contemplating suicide.

He also was “totally unable to control his impulses,” Burns said. “He’d proposition nurses.”

An MRI revealed the tumor, and it was cut out days later. The man’s behavior began to improve. Swerdlow said the judge allowed him to complete a Sexaholics Anonymous program. The man eventually moved back home with his wife and stepdaughter.

About a year later, Swerdlow said, the tumor partially grew back and the man started to collect pornography again. He had another operation last year, and his urges again subsided.

“That’s one of the interesting things about frontal lobe damage,” Swerdlow said. “This guy, he knew what he was doing was wrong, but he thought there wasn’t anything wrong with him, and he didn’t stop.”


I actually feel this, with combination has true merit.  I explain further in my conclusion but sense that biology combined with early learned behaviours present these issues and only present a various times of heightened anxiety of mental distress.  At this point there is little impulse control and the situations quickly escalate out of control.

Cognitive theories

These theories are based on the assumption that pedophilia is a form of sexual aggression. They suggest that sexual aggression results when an individual’s cognitive distortions about the meaning and impact of sexually aggressive behavior allows him to justify it. He may think the victim enjoys or benefits from the act, or at least is not harmed by it.  

Part of this theory includes personality, situation, family history, sexual dissatisfactions and substance abuse.  The only issue I have with this is that for me, it is not based on sexual gratification.  Certain situations may trigger the offence but the motivations for myself have never been formed from a sexual basis although the crimes I committed where sexual in nature.


I agree that these issues are prevalent.  I wonder if they are not post offending developments to what the offender knows is a horrible act.  By justifying what has been done, the offender can then believe he is a good person.  These distortions become so real that the offender now believes them to be a part of true life and not as an adaptive solution. 

Developmental theories

Developmental theories assume that pedophilia results from adverse childhood experiences: negative socialization, abuse or neglect, inadequate social skills, academic problems, or early sexual experiences.


While some of this seems to make sense, it seems that some does not.  While I was abused, I managed to develop appropriate social skills.  Although only recently have I learned true attachment to someone although I did in fact marry.  I held a good job and remained there for 10 years, excelling to a higher position.  I did have early sexual experiences but by no means became sexual aggressive.  I did at times appear sexual repressive.  But again, which came first.  Are these indicators of pedophilia or the cause?

It might be important to differentiate which part of these is relative to my personal abuse and which are relative to the fact of being an offender.  Human beings are extremely complex.  The issue is weeding out the “tainted by life data” and the “true to pedophiles data”.


Behavioral theories

Basically, this theory is the Pavlov’s dog.  When the bell ring we salivate since our experience told us food was coming.  Or the Skinner box where the rat learned what he could and could not do to get a reward.  The thought process is that pedophiles have learned through successful experience what to do to continue the experience.

A method of treatment…..  Of course.. Electric shock or bad smells when the offender is exposed to stimulants of minors….  I mock this theory unfairly since it has some merit.  I think that for the offender to re-abuse a child, he will offend in the same place since it was successful in the past. 



However, after each of my offences, I have been riddled with guilt.  It in no way was a positive thing for me so this theory doesn’t work.  If the theory is regarding the sexual interaction as a child being a positive feeling, then it still doesn’t work since not all offenders were victims of child abuse.


Isolated minority syndrome

Basically, this theory suggests that it is a desire that is hidden and because of that grows to such extreme measures which prompt an offence.  Those who theorize this relate it to the pre-gay era and the behaviour of homosexuals. 

Theory makes little sense in the relation since the behaviour involves unconsenting victims as opposed to hiding with a consenting adult.  Also, this theory is post pedophilia which is not the focus of this proposal.








Treatment methods

It is interesting to note that none of these methods are 100% effective.  Including chemical castration.  The treatment methods seem to relate to the above causes and tend not to sway to far from that methodology.  I would theorize that this is an issue due to funding.  The author of the treatment must remain consistent to their previous thought process in order to sustain funding for research even if the earlier research had flaws or was inconclusive.


Medical intervention

There are some medications available but the fact that they alter the brain but yet are not 100% effect draws the conclusion that these medications do not target the right area of the brain.  They tend to be directed towards sexual drive.  Things such as chemical castration etc.  This negates that the issue of pedophilia might be more than just a sexual urge.  I feel it is deeper than that.  Personally, I am on an anti depressant medication which has shown to reduce sex drive.  Although the hormonal levels have been in the normal range, there has to be a reason why the Chromosome levels are elevated as well as research should be done to determine if there is a difference in the frontal lobe.




These are the Skinner box/Pavlov’s dog type approaches to treatment.  They have used foul smells and electric shock to teach the individual to not be aroused by images etc.  Prison is also a behavioural approach.  Not only does this protect society, it also educates the offender that the behaviour is wrong.  Again, there remains a recidivism rate so therefore these methods cannot be the solution.  I have been incarcerated for a short time and am likely going to be again.



The most common form of this is group therapy.  Basically, as a group work is done to unlearn this behaviour.  It includes impact on victims, denial and disorderly thinking and ends with a relapse prevention plan.  This appears to be the most effective but still is not 100%.  Many offenders I have met did not cognitively want to offend.  These programs are few and difficult to come by.  I have finished the treatment program and a follow-up maintenance group.  It only served to remind me of what a horrible thing I had done.  Yes, it did give me some effective tools to solve some dilemmas and was a good support network if I needed it.  The reminder was helpful however in reminding me to not re-offend.








Testing Methods

Ways to test for pedophilia.

Phallometrics.  This is essentially; placing an elastic on the offenders penis and having him view pictures and listen to recordings.  It measures changes of the size of the penis.  This has been proven to be unreliable.  If used as a tool to confirm arousal only, this makes sense but it fails to look at other factors.  Not all offenders become aroused. Some non offenders do. 

I have undergone this test.  Not only was it degrading, it used poor images and recording, the tester spoke with me during the test encouraging me to relax and enjoy the audio.  Therefore this test had outside interaction.  I also wonder if a non offender who had been abused as a child might become aroused looking at images of a child of that age due to reflection.  I don’t know nor am I willing to speculate.


Written tests

These are typically multiple choice questions and require the offender to be honest.  Typically, the offender is facing incarceration and the last thing they want to do it commit to paper any deviant thoughts.  They also require that the offender has personal insight.

General discussion/evaluation

This method is based upon the offender telling the truth and the evaluator being unbiased.  This is such a volatile subject that it is difficult for both the offender and the evaluator to not have any bias towards various behaviours.

My Proposal

While it concerns me to have my brain physically altered, I wonder if it’s the answer.  Everything I have read has lead me to believe that if one were to alter brain patterns and adjust the chromosome levels this with a thorough examination of the frontal lobe, could lead to an altered behaviour.

I believe pedophilia is a combination of learned behaviour and an altered state of mind.  That many of the “causes” are in fact symptoms of a mental abnormality.  This in conjunction with reduced impulse control leads to a pattern of abuse.  I believe that these behaviours become a learned behaviour while the impulse control mechanism is underdeveloped.  (as a child)  I am by no means a brain surgeon but have some personal insight.  I question the area of the brain that handles attachment and pleasure (not sexual but feelings of joy, happiness, safety)  I wonder if there is a difference there as well.  I wonder if the “fixation issue” is due to being “Stuck” when the abnormal development in the brain begins.  I believe the abnormality begins at an early age.  Perhaps even at the first sign of sexual awareness as a chid.

I propose..  To be evaluated by a physiatrist who will monitor changes and perhaps prescribe medication that will balance the level of chromosomes in the brain.  This and other medications as differences in brain patterns are determined.  Further to this, if no progress is made, to be physically operated on my a brain surgeon.  The purpose being to physically manipulate various areas of the brain.  Similar to a lobotomy but not focused on removal of the brain but adjustment and not focuse on sexual drive.

The issue of my offending pattern (M.O.) could be related to being mentally “stuck” at the stage I was initially offended and made sexually aware.  The learned part of the behaviour.

The steps may sound extreme but so is the issue.  IF it turns out that a solution can be found, then all the risk was worth it.  I crave a “normal life” and do not feel I have much a future with such an illness.  I am willing to take whatever measures will work.













The evil within us…


While I am not sure I subscribe to this reasoning, I felt it was necessary to share it.  Some speculate that people are capable of horrific things (i.e. Murder etc). But we suppress those so deep and that those without suppression ability act upon it.  I wish to share a study and I choose not to discuss it further in regards to this paper but wonder if this is true, perhaps the issue is related to impulse and in each person resides all these issues of illness..

University males' sexual interest in children: predicting potential indices of "pedophilia" in a nonforensic sample.

Briere J, Runtz M.

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles 90033.

A survey was administered to 193 male undergraduate students regarding their sexual interest in children, as well as their responses to a number of questions theoretically relevant to pedophilia. In total, 21% of subjects reported sexual attraction to some small children, 9% described sexual fantasies involving children, 5% admitted to having masturbated to such fantasies, and 7% indicated some likelihood of having sex with a child if they could avoid detection and punishment. These sexual interests were associated with negative early sexual experiences, masturbation to pornography, self-reported likelihood of raping a woman, frequent sex partners, sexual conflicts, and attitudes supportive of sexual dominance over women. The data did not, however, support clinical theories regarding sexual repression or impulse-control problems among potential pedophiles.

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