Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones Series)
First Blood (Rambo Series)
Alien (Series)
Mad Max (Series)
Predator (Series)
The Terminator (Series)
Of all the action/adventure movies ever made, which one is the greatest?  Which movie is the absolute most high-octane, adrenalin-pumping, car-chasing, bomb-blasting, sword-slashing, blood-splattering, bullet-dodging, body-counting, bare-knuckled fist-fighting, swashbuckling, machine-gun-firing, fast-paced, make you jump around in the theater seats as if you were actually along for the ride, ultimate, GREATEST ACTION MOVE OF ALL TIME?
Alien (1-4)

Batman (1-5)
Blade (1-3)
Cutthroat Island
Die Hard (1-3)
Dirty Harry (1-5)
The Fast and the Furious (1-3)
First Blood (Rambo) (1-3)
The French Connection (1-2)
The Fugitive / U.S. Marshals
Kill Bill (1-2)
Lethal Weapon (1-4)
The Long Kiss Goodnight
Mad Max (1-4)
The Mask of Zorro (1-2)
The Matrix (1-3)
Predator (1-2)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones) (1-3)
Robocop (1-3)
Rumble in the Bronx
Rush Hour (1-2)
The Terminator (1-3)
Total Recall
Under Siege (1-2)
XXX (1-2)
None of the Above

View Results
* Author's Note:  Because "Alien vs. Predator" falls into both the "Alien" series and the "Predator" series, I suggest that it not be used as a determining factor between the two, but that it only be used as a determining factor against other movie series.

Rumble in the Bronx
The Fast and the Furious (Series)
The Fugitive (Series)
Cutthroat Island
Die Hard (Series)
Kill Bill (Two Volumes)
The Matrix (Series)
Dirty Harry (Series)
The French Connection (Series)
Blade (Series)
Total Recall
Batman (Series)
The Mask of Zorro
Lethal Weapon (Series)
Rush Hour (Series)
Robocop (Series)
The Long Kiss Goodnight
Under Siege (Series)
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