Alright, when I heard about PTBAV I about killed myself.  In case you didn't hear about the resent upsring of PTBAV, it is a group started by Megan Docken.  She just wants to try to escape the fact that she can't get laid.  "PTBAV" Stands for "Proud to Be a Virgin."  When I recieved this e-mail, I started crying I was so amazed at how stupid Megan Docken is, and I don't think it's any secret what she did to me.  It was envolving a very nice picture of me and  It is just a desperate attempt for her to be accepted, and thought of as cool.  She was just trying to duplicate the Briliance of AMA.  Mad props to Tommy Kieser and Tyler Chirstensen.  They are the almighty leaders of AMA.  Without them we would be nowhere right now.  Megan Docken will never be a member of AMA, because all girls can ever do in AMA is be motivational material, and let me tell you something, she sure as hell isn't motivational material.  NO member of AMA will ever join PTBAV because Jill counts as getting laid.  So this is AMA's response to the recent upspring of the new club called PTBAV.  They will never be cool enough to have a web page either, because they're all dumb!

* Written by Aaron Svennes
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