My Pets


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The pets i own so far, I have 3 Leopard geckos, 2 of them i just got on the 12th july 2002 the other one i have had for 5 years, i got a marsupial frog about 3 weeks ago, a green tree frog that i just got also on the 12th of july 2002. i have 4 ferrets 2 are the mam and dad the other 2 are the babies
i had the frankie  (the mam) and Louie (the dad) for 4 years on the 26th july
I have a chicken (ornimental) called fluffy and i have had that since a year today
i have a corn snake (no name) thats about 1 and a half now and about 2.5 foot long
2 stickinsects and a praying mantis thats about half wy to becoming a full adult (l6)
i also have a hamster that i have had for 7 month
This is my oldest gecko. she is a normal and is called sal. I got her for my 13th birthday. I have been happy with her from then on, she's been a good pet and always lets me handel her.
This is my marsupial frog. I havent had her very long yet but so far i think she's really funny. on the night she comes out looking for food. she hasnt quite mastered Climbing yet and some of the positions she gets her self in is dead funny. So far a Good pet
she also dosent mind being held
This is one of my new lizards. I called him Goliath
He's a big lizard compared to my other 2, but he is friendly he comes ou t every now and then through the day, as soon as the lights go off on the night he comes out. he always comes over to the glass and stares out at me. He can also climb really well.

If you look closely at his front foot (left) its out of shape, i think he must of broke it when he was younger it dosent seem to affect him
This is my other new lizard. i called this 1 Zoe but its a bit of a long story on how she got her name. this gecko is also an excellent climber and loves to climb on a big wodden log i have in the tank. She is ok being handled but if its longer than just a couple of  minutes she gets a bit scared and tries to run.
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