Last Update: 11/25/02









Ted Knight
Narrator Ted Knight says, "Meanwhile, Counter people have visited the
'Not So Superfriends' Website."


Not so Superfriends

Latest Episode: Guest Artist

Episode 30: Guest Artist



• Hi all,

As you can tell since we skipped a week, things have been a bit busy. So busy in fact that we had to have a guest artist this week. I think Little Artie has got some great potential, and maybe we'll use him again in the future.

Things are still very hectic for us, with the move rapidly approaching. Nevertheless, Kim and I have actually started brainstorming some new plots and episodes - so keep a lookout for further updates. I'd like to say that there will be some more new material during December - but it's a crazy time of year as you all well know, what with the jolly old man in the red suit and white beard on his way.

That's right, my uncle Patrick is coming back to town. Christ I wish he would buy some new clothes.

Any other comments, compliements, condenmantions? send 'em here!

Till Next Week ~T&K



Episode 1: 03/11/02
Episode 2: 03/18/02
Episode 3: 03/25/02
Episode 4: 04/01/02
Episode 5: 04/08/02
Episode 6: 04/15/02
Episode 7: 04/22/02
Episode 8: 04/29/02
Episode 9: 05/06/02
Episode 10: 05/23/02
Episode 11: 05/20/02
Episode 12: 05/27/02
Episode 13: 06/03/02
Episode 14: 06/10/02
Episode 15: 06/17/02
Episode 16: 06/24/02
Episode 17: 07/08/02
Episode 18: 07/15/02
Episode 19: 07/22/02
Episode 20: 07/29/02
Episode 21: 08/05/02
Episode 22: 08/19/02
Episode 23: 08/26/02
Episode 24: 09/02/02

Episode 25: 09/15/02
Episode 26: 09/30/02
Episode 27: 10/14/02
Episode 28: 10/28/02
Episode 29: 11/04/02



Q: Who's doing this anyway?
A: We are.

Q: Alright Smart-ass, who's "We"?
A: Alright...Tom and Kim

Q: Wait, did you say Tom AND KIM?
A: Yep, and trust me...some of the more disturbing stuff is coming from her (Nick, you can attest to Kim's sick and perverse nature, right?). Kim and I come up with the plot/dialogue and I put it together in Photoshop.

Q: Why the Superfriends?
A: Well, I started off making fun of "Peanuts" after Jim had done a parody strip of them (maybe I'll dig those up and post them at some point). As I was searching for some Charlie Brown pics, I stumbled upon the group shot of the Superfriends (all of them sitting at the table). They all looked so serious, and I thought, "Please, They're just watching Buffy on the big monitor." And it bloomed from there.

Q: Where are you getting the pics from?
A: All across the wonderful Web. Naturally, some of the characters in the strips are altered using several pics to get the faces, body parts, etc I need (I mean really - which episode do you remember Aquaman munching on cotton candy?!?)

Q: Is this a permanent gig?
A: Please. This isn't Sluggy Freelance. Seriously, I honestly don't know how long we will do this. Right now, we'll keep doing them as long as we have something funny to write about. We've been lucky that good ideas have continued coming up in order for us to put up a new strip every Monday. Worse comes to worse, and we hit a dry spell, the strips might become a little more sporadic. But don't worry - we'll continue to email everyone when they are up.

Q: Say...Kinda touching upon some copyright infringements there, ain'cha?
A: Well, that's another reason not to guarantee the stability of this site. Sure, there's a disclaimer below, blabbing about trademarks and that this is a parody site, but alot of the Media companies just don't like having their icons toyed with. But hopefully we're small enough that no one will care.

Q: Hey, I've got an idea for an episode. Can I submit it?
A: You sure as hell can. Feel free to send it to our email. We do reserve the right to approve/reject or alter anything we get, however. But if we use your idea, we'll give you props.

Q: Back up a sec. Did you mention Email?
A: Yep. We started a weekly email blast to let everyone know when the site is updated. If you want to get onto it, just contact us at the address up in the top left.

Q: Anything else you'd care to mention?
A: Whedon had better make it up to us big time this fall for offing Tara - that's all I gotta say.

Q: Where's that Disclaimer, Tom?
A: Yeah yeah.

This website was created with the intent of paying a playful tribute to "The Superfriends", which are trademarks of Hanna Barbara. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Robin, Aquaman, Apache Chief, Flash, etc. are copyrighted property of DC Comics/Warner Brothers/Hanna-Barbara. This is a parody, so deal with it, Ammendment basher. Also, some of the humor is rude, crude, sexual in nature, and so forth - in other words, the fun stuff. So if you don't like that type of stuff, may I introduce you to the "back" button at the top of your browser window.

Q: Thanks.
A: That's not a question, but I forgive you. Now go out and play.

A T& K Production

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