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The Siren's Nest
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Fan Fiction

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Next where the sirens dwell you plow the seas; Their song is death, and makes destruction please. --Pope.
  Welcome to The Siren's Nest, home to the DarkWing Clan, Serenity SdrowsTneicna, and the occasional Mighty Duck or two. This place serves as a safe haven for the Ducks if anything at the Pond goes awry. A deglorified mansion of sort, it is connected to the original headquarters via an underground(in both senses) psssageway, known only to the inhabitants of either building.
   Now that Nita has forced the US government, as well as the world, to recognize the Saurian and Shrieker threat there is nowhere for them to run. This battle for Earth will soon end, but the war has only begun.
11/8/03- All right, I can't firgure out a good intro. plus, I'm neglecting all my sites save Fantasia. I really wanted this to have been all done by the end of summer but, guess what? It's fall! Not to mention the second quarter in school. No, JLU is not finished and I was thinking of creating a shorter version of it but then realized that I knew I woudn't see it through. So, here's the deal: I'll write at least one chapter per week and have it be due, like a school assignment, on Dec. 18. Also, I'm going to finish Lost in Limbo AND From the Ashes. LinL will come first and shouldn't take too long, considering each chapter's length and the number of them(only seven). I'll make it due on Nov. 18. From the Ashes will be more difficult to finish since Krackers is one of my more important characters. It'll be due on Thanksgiving. Anyway, I'm off to think of a new intro.
9/2/02- Another update on the intro. 'cause I just can't seem to write one I actually like and the pic was changed again since the pic of Mad sucked. That's 'bout it for now.
8/9/02- I just got started on the site today but I'm not too sure I like it. For one thing, the picture of Madda isn't exactly fantastic but at least it's something, I guess.
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