And yet even more pictures.
Tried to take some better pics of Julie...
Miss Lauren Bailey everyone. She's pretty cool. But not as cool as me ^_^
Yeah, that didn't work out too well..-_-;;
<---Everyone, meet Dan. He's a little on the kooky side, but arent we all! XD
*PSHHT* Houston, we have a problem.
This is Erik and he's trying to screw some guy's leg up with that huge rubber band. I don't think it hurt that much though...
Top to Bottom: Jon's Plane, Bryan's Bridge "Twig II", My bridge "Twig III".
McKenzie (sp?) smiled. (I think she's the only sane one.
Courtney fell.
Jenny stares.
And here they are playing hand games. O_o
Me and Erica B. stepped on some wasted apple outside. These are the remnants of Mr. Yellow-Wasted-Stepped-On-Apple. May he rest in peace. (or pieces. HAHA! GETIT?! you don't. I'll shut up now...)
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