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Sorry these pics are so blurry. It's hard to take one in motion w/o posing for a trick or something yeah?
Bryan. I don't think he landed this one.
Paul. Looks like he tripped on the stairs and is falling straight down.
Me. Patented Jeanius move. The Bail Flail.
How to be a Skater-
Step 1-Find/make a course for you to do something on.
Step 2-Begin to do the "trick" as you are moving.
Step 3-Almost do the "trick" you had planned.
Step 4-Break your board when frustrated.
Subculture Skate park-1/25/04-Jeanie, Bryan, and Paul
Bryan-HUGE splinter in finger. The size of the halls of montezuma and as deep as the shores of Tripoli, many bruises and sore spots, preferrably on the right side of body. "Hurt" ankles from numerous tries on the 10-step. Hurt thumb on try number 4.
Jeanie-Not too much. 2 GIGUNDO BRUISES on knee. Quite lovely. Cut up hand a little and bruised hip bone. BUTT HURTS MUCH.
Paul-Knee is puffed up and blue and popped wrist vein. Bruise on butt from falling alot at 4-step.
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