Sabbats are what Wiccans call our special days, our festivals. Sabbats celebrate the seasonal birth, death and rebirth of the sun and moon. There are four major festivals called �Fire Fetivals� and four minor ones.

YULE (Winter Solstice): This sabbat is celebrated on or around the 21st of December and marks the birth of the Sun God from the earth (the Goddess). It is the shortest day and the longest night. Yule trees are decorated and games are played. Candles are lit to welcome the God. The traditional colours of the festival are red and green.

CANDLEMAS: This festival occurs on February 1st and is one of three fertility festivals; it celebrates the Sun God regaining his strength after his rebirth. It also celebrates the awakening of the Earth Goddess from her rest at Yule. At this time, people celebrate fertility and children, born and unborn. It is a traditional time for initiation or dedication rites to be done.

OSTARA (Spring Equinox): This sabbat is celebrated around the time of March 21st and is a festival of balance ( and the second festival of fertility) because day and night are of equal length. Seeds are planted and eggs are decorated and placed on the alter as talismans.

BELTANE (Mayday): This day is, as everybody knows, on May 1st and is the third and final festival of fertility. It�s a time to celebrate your hopes and passions and the union of God and Goddess. The God is represented by the May Pole and the Goddess is shown with flowers and plants.

MIDSUMMER SOLSTICE: This is celebrated at around June 21st and is a celebration of the powers of nature being at their highest. The Sun God shines for his longest at this time of year and on this day. The earth is alive with fertility. It is a time to celebrate purification, love and prosperity in all things.

LAMMAS: This sabbat is celebrated on August 1st and is the first of three harvest festivals. At this time of year, grains, fruit and vegetables are being harvested. It is the time when the Sun God begins to lose his strength and nights start to grow longer. It is a time to remember his wealth and bounty.

MABON (Autumn Equinox): This is celebrated around September 1st and is the second harvest festival, which is the time of the harvesting of corn and other good foods. Day and night are again equal at this time of year.

SAMHAIN (Halloween): Samhain is celebrated on October 31st and is the time to celebrate the passing of the God until his rebirth at Yule. Samhain is considered by many as the Witches� New Year. It is a time to look back on the past year and to remember the dead. It is a good time for divination.
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