Nottingham Tartan Army
The NTA is the tartan Army for the Nottingham and East Midlands Area. We are probably one of, if not the worst organised TA's in existance. Despite this, we do have members at every home game and nearly all away games.
If you are interested in joining the NTA, mail us, i will reply although it may not be very speedy as i don't always have access to the internet when i most need it.
The NTA has been around for about 4 years now, started either during or on the back of France 98. Started i beleive in a drunken haze in the fountains of Nottingham's Market Square Fountains during a football match.
There are about 30 members, about 10 of which regularly travel to home games and a combonation of those 10 travel to the away games.
As i said, get in touch if you are interested in joining or want some more information.
The e-mail link below should work.
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