Welcome to our homepage! We are members of the Nov-Dec '97 Babies mailing list at Egroups and we all have childen who were born (or EDD) in the months of Nov and Dec 1997. They are all toddlers now, some even have new siblings already!

We love to chat about our children, our growing families, the challenges of raising a toddler and being a working parent, whether you stay home to do it or go out into the real world every day :-)

We can all use some support and ideas to make life a little easier and we love making new friends too!

Scroll down to meet our members!

Michele & Keely Jennifer & Keirnan

Alyssa & Afton Cyndi & Cameron Cyndi & Gregory Darlene & Kayleigh
Dawn & Emily Edda & Halmfrider Briet Gina & Caitlyn Ginny & Brie
Jenifer & Logan Jenni & Austin, Conner & Kennedi Kriss & Noah Lori & Emily
Melody & Tanner Michelle & Jake Nicole & Logan Rebecca & Holly
Robyn & Mornay Shawni & Alea Tammy & Kayla Tina & McKenna

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Our membership is currently restricted because we wish to protect our privacy. But we do like to make new friends so, if you would like to join us please click on the submit button below. One of the moderators will contact you to request an introduction. New members need to make the commitment to participate in the group and not just lurk ;-)

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Visit Graphics by Shawni!

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