No projects at present but here are a couple photos of my most recent project. I needed something to haul my toys around in and I could'nt let it look like just another rusty old truck could I?
The next one is gonna be a '91 jimmy 4wd for my wife (the stuff she puts up with) she deserves the best money can buy, too bad i can't afford it.
Hopefully i'll get started on my '71 nova 2 dr. this summer. I'll post pics. as soon as i get off my computer long enough to take a couple decent shots of it.
It's gonna be a long process.(Hope I'm up to it)
here's the link to see the '91 jimmy project
click here)
This page will be devoted to my nova once i get started on it. Look for links to better nova pages soon.
Have suggestions on ways to make this site better?  E-mail me   [email protected]
Try to bear with me this is my first attempt at a web page I'm sure it'll get better over time (I hope)
I'm hoping to add to it every couple of weeks 
  My buddy  Bill threw me an e-mail today  (2/19) he thinks i need more pictures. Since he's the one who taught me most of my bodywork  skills I'm gonna listen to him.  so here's a shot of my poor old nova waiting for me to get started on the resto job
O.K now that you've seen it's good looking side.......time to see the real side (the side i did'nt paint 3 years ago)  i did the white paint to preserve it until i had all the parts ready to begin the resto. i still don't have all of them but i'm so close i can't wait any longer.......or can i ???  hmmm  gonna have to think about this.  (my procrastinating side just kicked in again)
Anyway....where was i ? oh yeah here's a link to this cars uglier side i would have included them here but for the  surfers out there who just want to see the pages quick i figured i better keep the front page as small as possible 
                                               thanks for looking
here's the link to more photos give the page time to load     they  are all  as big as this one
hey  quit lookin' down here there's nothing but a counter down here
hit the next button if you wanna see my nova
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