Coming Soon...
I am currently working on:

finalising layout
A new gallery
A new members area
Welcome To NovaTake
Hi and welcome to NovaTake. I'm Chris the new site administrator. I've given NovaTake a new paint job so I hope you like the new and improved layout. I know its took a lot longer than expected but I have been running into a few technical problems. As the site is still under construction you can still access the old site by clicking here. Next I will be going under the bonnet to do a bit of fine tuning with the content.

Do you want everyone to see your Nova? Sign up today and upload your pictures to compete to try and gain 'Nova of the month'.

Whether your looking for a tutorial with step by step instructions to modify your nova, looking to buy or sell a part or want to find the latest events in your area, NovaTake is for you so recline your seats and enjoy the ride!

25/03/04 - New site layout uploaded continuing to work on content.
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