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Published Novelettes
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by Chrissie Loveday

If you are within reach of mid-Cornwall you may like to join an informal group who meet occasionally to discuss many aspects of writing. There are published and unpublished authors in the group. Please send an email with your details to join this writers group.


The Path to Love - a woman's passionate romance
There is a Hard Cover large print edition available. It's cover is seen on the right.
"Scarlet gave me the chance to include everyone."
My first published, full length romance was a pleasure to write. I was always left feeling dissatisfied by the popular shorter length books; the ones that never allow the characters of the rest of the family to be developed. Very few people live their lives in complete isolation and it is often the others who influence decisions and outcomes. Relationships involve so much more than the hero and heroine and Scarlet gave me the chance to include everyone. Time spent in Australia was my inspiration ... I live in the UK and adore travelling. What must it be like to arrive in a new country, your only contact the family who offered you a job? A chance meeting with a travelling companion provides another friend in this new world ... she just happens to have a good looking son. But Kerrien finds her heart drawn in another direction entirely ... to her boss and his adorable kids. How on earth can she cope with an unfriendly, protective sister and a girl-friend, determined to marry the guy? Which of her two guys will she choose? You'll have to read it to discover the answers!
"Take a peek at life Down Under where men are hot and the "barbies" sizzle!" Affair de Coeur
"Skilfully modernized romance offers pleasurable reading." Romantic Times
"A well written, happy-ever-after story." Rendezvous

Lovers Don't Lie
- a complex tangled romance

There is a Hard Cover large print edition available. It's cover is seen on the right.
Complex relationships, with hearts leading the way
My second Scarlet book, this time set in my beloved Cornwall. The cottage and hotel complex became so real to me that I was almost looking them up in the phone book to see if they really do exist. There are so many out of the way places in Cornwall, it is always easy to find somewhere new to visit. I shall continue my search ... Jenna and Simon must be somewhere around here! More complex relationships, with hearts leading the way into all kinds of difficulties. A chance meeting with the man who had been Jenna's teenage idol, provoked feelings she could never have imagined. She knew she could never have been in love before after all! The scruffy archaeologist had turned into a rich and powerful man who seemed to want her as much as she wanted him. Why not follow her heart? Why not accept what she had once longed for so very much. He was willing to give her everything she wanted. Fine, until she met his wife and saw his son. How on earth could she possibly destroy the lives of so many people? Chance flings them alone together. She could always be his mistress ... couldn't she? Can she allow her heart to rule her head?

Published Novelettes

Unfortunately some of these titles are only available in retail shops, not conveniently off the web.
But they will be republished in future in large print.

The following are now available in large print:
Encounter with a Stranger
Taking her Chances
Remember to Forget


Now Read On - stories for adults with reading difficulties.
A collection of stories for young adults with learning difficulties. The stories are designed for anyone who wants to practise reading skills but finds the usual magazines are too difficult and children's publication are just too childish. Language is simple and sentences reasonably short. Used in colleges and by teachers of dyslexic courses.

Now Read On - more stories for adults with reading difficulties.

Relationships - handbook for students with learning disabilities and their teachers.
This book is designed for use with young adults having learning difficulties. It explores the different relationships everyone encounters and provides discussion material for use in group work in both formal and informal situations. Designed for students having special needs from 15 upwards as part of self-advocacy courses, personal and social education courses. In a down to earth, practical series of topics, there are questions to answer and plenty of scope to trigger individuals own ideas.

Prime Resource : - handbook for teachers working with ancillary support
Is your ancillary your prime resource? Do you make the most of having help? How do the ancillaries feel? This book is largely aimed at teachers who have classroom helpers and ancillaries working with them. It is simple and practical and provides ways to maximise the valuable resource of having such help available. This book was written as a result of listening to a number of ancillary staff expressing their feelings about the way they are treated in schools and colleges. What should they do? What are they doing? It is often a breakdown in communications and time pressures which cause unnecessary problems. For anyone working with children, especially �difficult' children, it can provide helpful strategies, ideas and suggestions. Common sense and practical methods are used and the style is simple and very un-stuffy.

Kids Behaving Badly - behavioural difficulty handbook for teachers
This is a book written for anyone working or living with difficult children. There are self help exercises, strategies to try and diagnostic tests to use. It is down to earth, easy to read very �user friendly'. The author has spent many years teaching in a wide range of different schools, special schools, colleges and work experience placements. Drawing on experience, she has put together a book which can be used by anyone who needs it.

A home study course - for parents and carers of dyslexic children.

Books, stories and articles seeking publication or re-publication
- click for web synopsis and/or partial text


First Chapters only

Do It Tomorrow - Tas is a lady who likes her own way and has the great gift of always being right. When she meets Mel, she knows she has met the one man who will complement her talents and do whatever she asks of him. All he needs is a good meal, as often as possible, and he'll do his best to follow her suggestions for whatever is the latest money making idea. The main problem is following the idea through. Luckily, Tas always has another, better way of making their fortune. Romance blossoms for the unlikely pair as they live their unusual life in the beauty of Cornwall.

There is a self published version available on the web, but an ordinary publisher is sought for the concept if not this particular version. Click for the first chapter followed by a purchase link.
Love in Haste - When journalist Megan Belmore is asked to research dating agencies, she accuses her editor of exploitation. Nevertheless, she accepts the challenge and sets out to meet her first date. Only some way into her chat-up routine, does she discover she has the wrong man. Reed Marshall is smitten and soon engineers further contact. His impulsive proposal leaves her gasping but she accepts and the wedding soon follows. The round-the-world honeymoon isn't quite what she was expecting. The troubles begin in earnest. Just when things look their blackest, Megan's brother and Reed's sister are also beginning a romance. A tangled, complex series of events follow ... can there possibly be a happy ending?

Children's Novels

First Chapters only

Flying Free
(8 to 11)
Kim and her mother move to Cornwall when her parents separate. She knows she will hate the tiny cottage and no �decent shops'. She meets the �Impossible' Davie. Together, they begin and number of adventures. Kim meets Davie's grannie, Izzie, an unlikely lady who changes the colour of her hair almost daily and wears very bright clothes. She is said to be a witch. Mysterious things happen around her and she always has a large collection of sick animals who need treatment. Kim begins to realise that life in Cornwall is much better than before and she knows this is where she wants to be.
Suitable for 8 to 11 year olds.
- A time-travel story set in modern daay Britain and nineteenth century New Zealand. A Tiki, a Maori carving is the link between the two worlds. Paul meets Uenuku and discovers something of his world while the Maori boy has to come to terms with computers and the weird kind of fish that have fingers. It is some time before Paul realises that not only is he magically travelling to New Zealand but also back in time. They have many adventures together and a chance discovery makes Paul realise that he must find a way to go back very urgently. It is life or death. Will he make it?
On the Moors
(For slow readers 8 upwards)
Jane and Kate are friends. They live on Bodmin Moor and ride their ponies whenever they can. One day, something scares Kate's pony and she falls off. She is unconscious and a thunder storm terrifies the pinies even more. They run off and the two girls are left alone. Jane tries to make her friend comfortable but daren't leave her. When the rain stops, the fog comes down. The girls hear strange noises in the dark and remember the stories about the Beast of Bodmin, a huge cat-like creature that only comes out in the dark. How can they survive a night in winter with such a monster around?

Short Stories

Coming Back
Waiting by the Phone
There be Dolphins
Never Too Old
Another Lady


Part of a course or book on dyslexia

Thoughts on Immortality - a collection of articles for Longevity Report

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