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Novex Alex
Let me tell you about myself. I like thinking about inconsequential things, like for instance, why do lifeforms on earth spend time reading stuff on the net! Sometimes I drink. At times I even sleep! And then in between all of those, I'll need to go to visit the bathroom. Most of the time I do all of those, practically everyday! And sometimes I do things with other people. I used to go to school, but now I work.



An Engineering graduate from Regional Engineering College, Calicut University, Kerala, India, year of 1993, have been in the IT industry ever since.

At Aditi Technologies, Bangalore, India since Nov 2000. Tata Infotech, Bangalore before that (from Aug 1993). I have been involved in various software development activities - development, support, QA, design, architecture, deployment, proposal writing, project management, client interactions and business development. Worked on various technologies and architectures - client-server, middleware, databases, internet/web, component-ware etc for enterprises in banking, CRM and B2B.

I live in Bangalore, a South Indian city, also known as the Silicon Valley of India, although I like its older name - Garden City

Contact Me

No, 20, IV Cross,
Madivala P.O.

India - 560 068

Phone: +91 (80) 553 8661
[email protected]

My hobbies and interests include music, solving life's equations  - no solution yet :( , traveling,  pushing pixels, trekking, riding, movies, hacking software.
I have a mom, and a sister. I love my country and my home state ... did somebody say God's own country!, you're right!  Kerala, South India

Site Created on August 15, 2000
Last Modified January 20, 2003
© Novex Alex 2000
All Rights Reserved

May the sun and the stars be witness to the deeds that I do ...

...can't help the occasional clouds though ...
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