Clutching your few remaining possessions to your chest, you take your first look at what is to be your new home: the Novice Quarters.  All around you, women and girls in white bustle through their daily activites, some giving you small smile before hurrying off.

You take a hesitant step forward and nearly bump into a tall woman in white.  The girl is about seventeen and one of the tallest women you have ever met.  She blinks down at you in surprise but quickly replaces it with a broad grin that lights up her plain face and gray eyes. 

"Why hello there!" she says cheerfully.  "You must be new.  My name is Qhyn Staer and I'm a Novice here.  Would you like me to show you around?"

You smile faintly and nod a little shyly.  Qhyn smiles encouragingly and puts the papers she was carrying on a nearby table.  "Well then follow me."  The tall Novice leads you to your rooms and you quickly change into your new white dress.  "There now.  What would you like to see first?  Perhaps I'll show you the
Novice Common Room where we like to gather in our free time.  It is a good place to meet other Novices."

The room was small and cozy with small chairs littered across the well polished floor.  White curtains billowed in the breeze from the open windows and sunshine filled the room with an airy, light feeling.

"If you have an question, come here and anyone would be more than willing to
answer them."  Qhyn smiled and hooks her arm with your own.  "Shall we continue or shall I leave you to your own wandering?"
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