This is a division of the Netland White Tower.  No copyright infringement is intended.  This page was created by Qhyn Staer (2000).  Please contact her with questions or comments, [email protected]
Name: Rynne Kyoso Aleyna

Country of Origin: Altara

Email: [email protected]

ICQ: 41417042

Date Joined: Estimated at July 6th, 2001

Appearance: Rynne is of average height and slim build. Wide, dark sapphire eyes set off her high cheekbones.  Her light complexion is framed by deep mahogany waves.

Personality: Outwardly she seems cold, and calmly arrogant. As to whether or not she really is as she appears, you can't tell from her emotionless demeanor, but it likely is so. She does have other traits however, but these are known only to those she considers a close friend.

Strength: Rynne's strength and full potential are not  yet known.

Strongest power: Spirit

Talents: Reading residues and perhaps masking the glow (not known for sure yet.)

Possible Ajah: White Ajah
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