
Conlang and Conculture Pages

UPDATE:This is the new location for these pages and hopefully the permanent resting place. Some pages are missing, the former host "lost" them or some of their content. This is particularly true for the dictionary pages. I will regenerate them and repost them.

I have been remiss in working on these pages for sometime. I am now (8/2001) writing new pages and preparing to edit and rework some of the ones presently located here.

Welcome to my conlang and conculture pages. What is a conlang? Simply put it is a language that is artificially constructed by someone or some group. A conculture is the imaginary culture invented to go along with that language. Famous examples include Tolkien's Elvish languages and Middle Earth or more recently, the Klingons of Star Trek fame. Not all conlangs are supported by concultures, examples include Esperanto, Interlingua, and Lojban.

I have invented several languages over the years and most of them have had concultures attached to them. Only a few are available on the web at this time. Nova is my most developed project. It includes a fairly large dictionary, a grammar, some texts, and a large number of pages devoted to the culture and natural history of the island on which it is found.
Feorran is a newer project. Feorran has a smallish dictionary, a grammatical sketch, and an ethnographic sketch of the conculture. Feorran was originally intended to be a closed end project but I have enjoyed it so much that I plan to keep working on it.
Other projects that will be added here include Marata which exists as only a bare bones sketch of the derivational system, Nonoaltec, the working name for a language that will be derived from the real Uto-Aztecan Language Family, and an as yet unnamed family of languages that will be derived from the lost language of the real Adena and/or Hopewell peoples. As the last two indicate, I have a lot of Amerindian influence on my languages which is, I believe, unfortunately rather rare in the world of conlangers.

Pages and directories currently available.

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� 2001 Brad Coon
Revised August 29, 2001
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