pictures of the World - China - Tibet - Xigaze - Shigatse
Tashilhunpo Monastry
"all fortune and happiness gathered here" / "heap of glory"

luxury hotels Beijing

Tibet Xigaze - Shigatse Tashilhunpo Monastry
Tibet Xigaze - Shigatse Tashilhunpo Monastry

19960628-tibet-21.jpg Tibet Xigaze - Shigatse Tashilhunpo Monastry
Shigatse Tashilhunpo Monastry

Tibet Xigaze - Shigatse Tashilhunpo Monastry
Tibet Xigaze - Shigatse

28 June 1996

pictures of the World
SunSets of the World

(c) [email protected]
created: 23 January 2007
updated: 18 May 2012
web design: Joseph Nowarski - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Expert