My man of the moment...
    Well, here is the story of Eric and I.  It all started off years ago when I randomly talked to this kid online.  He was interested in music, and participated in many of the same music festivals I took part in.  Unfortunately, we never were at the same festival in high school.  So we never met in person, and eventually lost touch.
      Zoom forward to freshman year of college.  I was attending UConn and was in the pep band for the men's basketball team.  On one busride to the Hartford Civic Center, after competing for the back seat of the bus with my friend Jake, we began talking about where we lived and such.  He mentioned that he lived in Stafford Springs - and that town sounded familiar.  For those of you who don't know, it is a tiny little town with not much fame, such as my own.  Anway, I recalled I used to talk to someone online from the same town.  I mentioned the screen name to Jake, and he said "Eric has been one of my friends since high school!  He's such a cool kid!"
      I was certainly suprised.  Zoom to a month or two later, and I was sitting online doing
something and Jake imed me.  Or I thought it was Jake... appearantly, Eric was up visiting Jake and they invited me over to Jake's room a bit across campus.  So... I headed over.
      Nervous, I knocked on Jake's suite door, and a really tall, cute guy answered the door.  I was like "Hi, I'm Megan..."  and sure enough, this was Eric who answered the door.
       Eric and I started talking a lot, through the following summer, Eric's stint at college, and finally saw eachother again my sophomore year right before winter break.  He very much had a thing for me, but I still had a boyfriend and couldn't be interested.  Zoom again to a few months after that, I had broken up with my boyfriend and Eric and I started hanging out more.  He asked me out more than once before the summer, but I declined, saying I wasn't ready to be dating exclusively again.  Not that I was seriously seeing anyone else at the time...  Summer happened, and I didn't see him a whole lot because of my busy schedule.  When I arrived back at school, he and I started unofficially dating again - until we finally decided to make it official on Halloween.  The only thing that held us back was the knowledge that he was moving away - we figured we may as well live for the moment.  After all, that's how Eric embraces life.
      Well, Eric moved to Orlando, Florida, and I've missed him terribly.  We decided ... we never broke up because there was something there we didn't quite anticipate when we made ourselves 'official'.  What an arbitrary word that is.  But we manage to spend time on the phone and online talking to eachother, and he is coming to visit me for Valentine's Day. 
      Eric has been my best friend and a wonderful boyfriend, and I love him for it.  He treats me better than I deserve to be treated - quite a good thing to find in a boyfriend :-)  I only hope I can do him justice.
      Anyway... that's our brief story!
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