Laurel Music Camp is a camp for high school students in the northwest corner of Connecticut. I attended camp as a camper for all four years of my high school career, and I look forward to returning for my third year as a JC!
     In the camp, there is a band, orchestra, choir and jazz ensamble.  When you get there, you try out for one of the above ensambles; and don't worry, you always get into one of them. 
     Laurel is a great place to meet new people, and to expand your muical knowledge.  I've met so many people there over the years!  The people there are wonderful.  They really take the time to make you feel, well,
loved, as a person and as a musician.  I've made so many people there that I still keep in touch with.  Plus, the conductors are the best.  In my years there, I was in the band for the first two years with Dr. Dan D'Addio (I probably still spelled that wrong...!) and he was awesome.  Two years ago, I was placed in the orchestra and wasn't too happy about it.  I really wanted to be in the band with Dr. Dan since this was his last year at camp.  But once I got into the orchestra room, I realized I would not miss out on anything.  As much as I loved being in band, the orchestra was just as awesome.  Dave (our conductor) was the best (FROG!!!!).  He put such enthusiasm into rehersals... all this applies to the whole feeling at Laurel Music Camp.  Last year I was once again put in the orchestra, and although we had a different conductor, it was still a rewarding experience.
        I hope I may have convinced or  at least interested a future camper by writing this.  If you, or someone you know is interested in this GREAT camp, just email me, or go to the website below, the camp's official website. 
       Hope to see you there next year!
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