Email me with people you wud like me to put on this page.
This site in no way encourages violence and advises you leave it to the professionals. If you do decide to commit murder please make sure you have a cast iron alibi.
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1) Twat, we know who he is, god i hate him, a lot
2) The man of stilton cheeseness, Stilton Cheese Wanky Slipknot Face
3) Another twat, again we know who he is
4) Jeff E Gazey
5) Slipknot and all their spin off bands
6) The french
7) Wiggas, god i hate them
8) Stupid ppl who do my fucking head in
9) Robbie Williams
10) Old twats who "had it hard in the old days"
11) Random and ppl who have any affiliation with it
12) People who use the dreaded word
13) Twats who hear words then never stop using them and try to be funny, not including The Dude cos he is funny
14) Twats who hate shit bands but try tell u theyre good
15) Wankers who definitely havent heard that song but when they hear a bit they have heard it before, and usually say "i have heard that actually but didnt know it was them"
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