Things that annoy me
The word actually
People who use Random quite a lot and also think it exists
Twats who do my fucking head in and never shut up and piss me off
People who dont move out of the way when ur walking towards them, mainly old people, blacks and people with umbrellas.
Queue jumpers at bus stops who do it intentionally
People who sit on the aisle seat on buses so no1 can sit next to them when it's busy
Buses that dont turn up
People who are late
Fucking dickheads that stick fingers up at you while theyre on a bus and its passing you cos theyre well hard
People who are fucked up emotionally, sometimes beyond pacifism
When you're arguing with someone and they keep butting in and won't let you speak. What's the fucking point of that? TWATS!
Having about 3 people talking to you at once
A loud television with people talking over the top of it even louder while you're on the phone and the person on the other end of the phone has got bad reception
Dickhead customers at work, altho sometimes funny. "plain burger please" "anything else?" "some cheese and bacon on it please" that happened last night and i did chuckle, silly bitch.
People who can't take what they dish out
Stupid questions, example "it's well nice this, isn't it?" "is it?"
that'll do for now but i can see this been the page that gets updated the most
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