Fucked Up Dreams                 (these aren't made up.)
I cant really remember the beginning of this dream but i know it was kinda shit and boring and uneventfulish. Anyway, i'll start where i can best describe it from. Walking up my stairs to my house and there were millions of the fuckers and it was scary and ghost like. Got in, kinda scared and turn on the telly. Sat on sofa and see something move outside. Look out and wud u believe it? A guy dressed in a pink bunny suit looking in. I think he may have spoke to me or something and he took his head off and it was pizza delivery guy from Pizza House so i invited him in, he climbed in thru the window, as you do, and loads of ppl were sat around watching telly and then i went upstairs and these 2 little girls followed me and i was trying to say shhh but they barged into my mums room and started singing and dancing and my mum joined in, then we all had a chat like we were catching up on old times and then i woke up. But the fucking bunny man, i was well scared. A guy dressed in a bunny suit with the head and evrything staring in ur living room window in the night while ur watching telly. It may not seem freaky but that was on of my weirdest dreams ever.
The problem with my dreams is i can kinda remember details but not put them into words, or i cant remember it as fully as i did at the time, some are really old. From now on ill update this particular page frequently.
Right, well last night i had another fucked up dream. I remember walking into Pudsey and crossing over the big junction thing with loads of ppl, but i cant remember who. Someone said watch out for the horses on the left and the turning into the Market Place was a lil dirt track thing and there was some horses in a field with a moat around it. I remember that the field looked familiar from another dream (fuck knows). The moat then kinda turned into a lake and i was up near the Bankhouse walking down the side of the field. I cant walk near water in dreams cos it proper scares me and i remember thinking about some floods and the wall was melted (best way i can explain it) and water was all over the road and i said something like "the floods will be worse this year cos of this extra water" and then walking down a path with water on either side. A baby was on my chest pulling me into the water and someone, i think my mu, was trying to keep me out but i fell in with the baby (Pat i think) and i managed to keep him above water and send him to the path. I got out and walked on a bit more and got to a football match and i remember my tooth hurting so licked it and a bit fell out, then the whole thing started coming out and i tried to spit it out but the roots were hurting. It came out, and so did anohter which i nearly choked on, then i was sick and threw up loads, including my black and white bracelet which had turned into half black and half white, not alternating tho, but they were washers and polos. My mum said itd be fine and i cud just use my replica but knew i cudnt cos it aint for me. Then realised my other had snapped so scooped the beads up out of the sick, knew Gem wud kill me, looked at my wrist and saw i only had my bangle and was quite upset, then woke up, looked at my wrist cos was kinda panicy and realised it had all been a fucked up dream.
This was a while ago so may not be able to remember it fully. I was walking to a post box, to post a letter. Saw a car and in it was Katie, she was about to set off and i went to say hi, she kinda pulled away so i turned round, she stopped, thought i was walking off and went to pull away again. I saw she'd stopped, turned round, thought she was going, turned away again and this went on for a while till i stook my head thru the passenger window and said hi. She asked where i was going so i said Punktastic cos not at work for a while and told her she cud give me a lift. Posted my letter, got in and went to hers. At her house she was showing me all her hi-tech gadgets and stuff, it kinda looked like Tish's room with telly and video and computer all on her desk. Her floor was full of water and fish were swimming around and they started getting bigger. This lad shed been seeing was there and introduced himself. He was called Mike Robcock which was why they call him Rob. Then we went to get in her car, i remember id left something so ran up to get it and then remembered something about her been in a hidden camera show. She dropped me off and i said something about id told my mum i had a driving test. Then i needed to ring Katie so i did but it was David Platt cos theyd swapped sims and he cudnt remember his old number and it had been deleted from my phone. His dad, Martin cudnt remember, and neither cud Fred. Went home to use MSN cos it was on her profile but my internet was broken (which it really had the night before) so had to go to my grandmas and install freeserve. Somehow i knew i had before and it hadnt worked so i tried to get it to. It wudnt dial out and evrytme i cliked options i started playing a football game, wasnt FIFA but looked a bit like it, and it was in chinese. Then went outside and walked around and i had a massive tongue and cud strecth it out miles and i cud jump/fly so flew up to this balcony and somehting happened with a postman which i cant remember, went in this window on this balcony after flying around for a bit and thats all i can remember.
There are more but lack of motivation and the fact i cant remember a lot of them isnt helping this page in its quest for completeness.
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