Neil Chue Hong
for Finance Committee Senior Member

A picture of me


Contact me:

[email protected]

Why vote for me?

I'm standing for Finance Committee Senior Member because I believe EUSA needs the strongest team to lead it, and I think that I have a unique combination of relevant experience through my work as a Project Manager for the University, a continuing association with EUSA through my work with societies, and previous experience of being involved at the highest levels of other similar organisations. More about me...

I believe that EUSA needs to be both ethically and economically sustainable. I have experience of managing budgets at many scales, from local events to European Commission projects, and understand how to use the talents of a diverse set of individuals to produce award-winning teams. More about my experience...

My career and training means that I am able to analyse situations and intepret information quickly and effectively. This gives me the skills I need to be an effective and objective reviewer. I also experienced at formulating policy; for instance I am currently drafting a new governance structure for a national volunteer organisation. More about my ideas...

I was elected only last semester in the Bye-Elections, and I believe that I have already provided valuable input to the Finance Committee, Societies Disbursement Committee and to EUSA in general. In particular, I have been:

  • chasing up issues about broken equipment in KBH Laundry and Gym
  • liasing with the University about the George Square Theatre refurbishments to ensure they are fit for performing societies
  • providing input to Finance Committee on expenses policies
  • asking questions over catering contracts at the University
  • reviewing and judging over 30 applications to the Societies Disbursement fund
  • an objective and experienced voice within EUSA, who is not afraid to ask questions

I believe that another term will allow me to complete the work I have started, and go on to provide even more advice, input and action.

However the most important thing I believe in is the freedom to choose. So I encourage you all to read all the candidate websites, make your choice for each position and vote. And after that, remind all your friends about the elections, and make sure they vote too. Because it's the voting that counts - it's the easiest way to have a say in what you think EUSA should do.

Of course, I'd love it if you thought that I was the best candidate for the job, so please read my Election Address and find out more about me, my experience and my ideas.

EUSA Bye Elections - 28 February / 1 March 2007 - Use your vote!

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