Vanguard TV-1 (Viking 14)
by Joy Cohn & Niels Jahn Knudsen

Scale 1:96 Published: April 22, 2006

Right click to download:
Modelsheet (85 KB)
Instruction (200 KB)
Rocket stand (200 KB)

paper model viking TV-1 rocket Scale model of viking missile
Paper craft - viking TV-1 rocket From viking rocket to vanguard launcher
TV-1 was had 2 stages. Second stage would become the vanguards third stage.  From viking to vanguard. Left to right: Viking 10, TV-0, TV-1, Vanguard SLV-6 and Viking 7. 


The Vanguard TV-1 was a two-stage test vehicle . The first stage was the Martin Viking type II slightly modified for the Vanguard program. The second stage was a prototype solid propellant Vanguard third stage, built by Grand Central. The second-stage payload was an instrumented nose cone. Primary goal was flight testing the third-stage for spin-up, separation, ignition, and propulsion performance. The secondary goal was for further evaluation of ground handling procedures, techniques and equipment, and in-flight vehicle instrumentation and equipment. 

The flight was successful: flight operation and performance of all powerplant systems were very good. The vehicle was properly controlled throughout flight to an altitude of 12l miles and a range of 451 miles.

If you have comments for these kits contact:

Joy Cohn - 

Niels Jahn Knudsen  - [email protected]


NASA: Vanguard - a history 

Beggs aerospace - The viking rocket

Books and articles:

Rockets of the world by Peter Alway,

Space Frontier Vol. 2 Number 5 - Vanguard - The Early Years





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