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Born in Watertown, NY, I was the newest addition to an already-large, extended family. Growing up in Glenfield, NY was truly a blessing. Although, I never saw it as one until I was 18. Glenfield is a small community, where everyone knows everyone else. However, this farming county leaves much of life to one's imagination. Few chances of experiencing life's challenges came my way until I left Glenfield and headed for the world of unknown in Burlington, VT.


As a freshman at Trinity College of VT, never visiting the campus prior to orientation, my eyes were opened. I saw many people whom I had never met. I had to make myself known, something I had never had to do before. A challenge I accepted, I succeeded in doing by the end of the fall semester. The following year, Trinity College announced to the student body that they were in financial difficulty. As part of a reorganization team, made up of four other students and all faculty and staff, I contributed my thoughts and ideas regarding the college to the group. After many meetings, we departed for summer break. My contributions were never taken into consideration, and sadly, the college ended up closing its doors for good. Much too long to explain here, I feel that if the college had listened to me and a friend of mine, that Trinity would still be going strong.

Moving on to finishing my degree in applied mathematics with an economics minor at Oswego State University in NY, was rewarding. Once again, accepting the challenge of making myself known, and succeeding in doing so. I feel as though I contributed to this college in a different way than the last. However slight my affect on the college might be, I would never trade being a part of the Oswego community for anything. My learning was enriched through the teaching of wonderful mathematics and economics professors. I am proud to be a graduate of OSU!


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