The Heart Chakra

Location: Mid chest in front, between shoulder blades in

Spinal Nerve Plexus: thoracic spinal ganglion.

Glands: Thymus

Body Parts: Heart, Lungs, Breasts, Immune System, Circulatory System,
Arms & Hands

Sanskrit Name: Anahata

Element: Air

Color Vibration: Green

Keynote Vibration: F

Focus: Compassion, Love, Unconditionality, Relationship, Forgiveness

Stones: Green Stones [in some sources pink, also] (Emerald,
Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Jade, Fluorite, etc.)

Incense: Lavender, Jasmine, Yarrow

Foods: The scent/aroma of foods

Affirmations: I love; I am loved; I am Love; I forgive

Disorders: Asthma, hypertension and other circulatory problems, heart
disorders, lung disorders, breast disorders, immune system dysfunction
(HIV, Lupus, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, etc.)

When our heart chakra is in equilibrium, we have a deep sense of
contentment. We accept ourselves and others without judgment and are
capable of unconditional love. Whoo... this is a difficult one, isn't
it? Because the blood feeds the body, and takes away the waste, what
affects the heart and circulation affects the entire body. The breath
is the essence of life, and the immune system normally protects us
from invasion by unwanted microbes or mutating cells. Our heart sits
like a bird in the cage of our ribs, beating from the womb to the
grave without rest. It is when the heart ceases its rhythm and the
breath leaves that we are considered dead. How important it is to feed
this energy center and keep it balanced! The key to beginning is in
self-acceptance, self-love. All of the old expressions are true. Your
capability to love depends upon your ability to love yourself. The
more we judge, deride and punish ourselves, the more we withhold love,
the harder it is for our heart chakra to function; the immune system
may fail, or even turn on us. Our breath is uneven, and the lack of
oxygen distorts blood cell production. Our weak blood does a poor job
of feeding the body. Perhaps breast cancer or congestion occurs, due
to inability to "get things off our chest".

Taking care of the heart center, which is the transformer of energy
for the body, is a sacred task. The heart chakra is the energetic
center of the body. The three physical chakras are below it, and the
three spiritual chakras are above it. The healer uses the heart as a
clearing house for energy before it travels down the arms and out the
hands to the person awaiting healing. Centering is the most important
part of maintaining the detachment needed to be unconditional. If the
heart center is not functioning well the healer often reverts to using
the will center to transmit energy. In order to keep the heart
healthy, keeping a journal of issues is a helpful start to releasing
resentment. Also, doing small ceremonies for letting go, repeating
positive affirmations, and learning to take deep slow breaths (yoga
and meditation). Learning to receive is a major issue here. Having
regular body and energy work may help with this.

The traditional Indian correspondence animals for the heart chakra are
antelope or deer and birds, especially doves. Interestingly, in the
Huichol Indian tradition of Mexico, the deer is the medicine of
compassion, and lives inside the heart. Often in their shamanic
ceremonies they will dance to the deer to renew their relationship
with their powerful animal protector.

These materials copyright Caroline Gutierrez Abreu, 2000

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