The Solar Plexus

Location: Upper Abdomen, at base of sternum in front, upper lumbar spine

Spinal Nerve Plexus: Lumbar spinal ganglion

Glands: Pancreas, Adrenals

Body Parts: Digestive system, viscera, muscles

Sanskrit Name: Manipura

Element: Fire

Color Vibration: Yellow

Keynote Vibration: E

Focus: Ego, Power and Will

Stones: Yellow Stones (Citrine, Amber, Topaz)

Incense: Carnation, Cinnamon

Foods: Starches

Affirmations: I can! I will! I am capable and worthy. I am powerful. I am in charge.

Disorders: Type "A" personality disorders: ulcers, hypertension,
anger, heartburn, gastritis; liver and gall bladder dysfunction,
diabetes or hypoglycemia, muscular tension and disorders, low back
pain, lordosis, passive-aggressive personality, domineering or
controlling personality, overcompetitiveness or lack of ambition,
loneliness, perfectionism, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar
disorder, attention deficit disorder.

At this level, when our solar plexus is functioning well, we are in
touch with our ego, treat it with respect and honor, and acknowledge
the ego center of others with the same respect. We value ourselves and
our efforts without need for obsession with details. We realize that
although we are in charge of our lives, often we are not in control.
We understand our feelings of anger as manifestation of our fire
energy and learn useful ways to channel the energy back through our
system without abusing or punishing ourselves or others. We do not
need to find fault or carry guilt. We honor our responsibilities and
do not manipulate others to serve our desires. Interestingly, the
solar plexus is the seat of the mental level of the aura, and this is
the place of our intelligence and motivation. The solar plexus can be
blocked or damaged early in life, perhaps through verbal abuse or
circumstances that injure our self esteem, or from being raised in a
critical or uncertain atmosphere that fosters a desire to "please" and
be perfect in order to be loved. Poor function in this area may lead a
person to behave aggressively or conversely to play the martyr. Many
physical disorders resulting from stress arise here, as well as some
neurotic personality disorders. Poor performance in school or behavior
problems may result in children, or conversely, the child may be an
overachiever who is secretly afraid to fail.

In order to keep the solar plexus going strong, we need to support our
worthiness and learn to accept our mistakes with equanimity. A good
practice is to stand in front of a mirror and compliment ourselves.
Begin with a hand mirror or a small mirror, and work up to a full
length mirror as you become more comfortable. Stand straight and tall,
with your chin up, and look yourself in the eye. Be generous and
honest with your praise. Explore your talents and learn to say "thank
you" when someone else compliments you. Be proud of your
accomplishments, and learn that you can share them with others without
bragging. Know that sometimes it is okay to brag ;-) Some of the
hardest problems to overcome are internalizing anger, combustible
temper, and manipulation of others. Like addictions, these challenges
may need to be dealt with "one day at a time" until we can learn
constructive methods of handling our fire energy. The fire is good; it
keeps us warm and vital. But if we do not tend it carefully, it can
either die away or rage out of control. If we are good fire tenders,
we are affirming ourselves daily.

The traditional Indian correspondence animal for the solar plexus is
the Ram. There are a lot of connections between this energy center and
the astrological sign of Aries. It may be useful, if you have problems
in this area, to read some information about this sign.

These materials copyright Caroline Gutierrez Abreu, 2000

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