The Steps of Tapas Accupressure Technique (TAT)

Before starting each problem you want to clear, ask your body if it is
ok to work on this problem now. You may pray "If it is time for this to
heal now, then let it be so" or some thing similar in your own language.

If you are working with a partner, one person can read the step
while the other person performs the step.
Allow the person to reflect on what happened
without interjecting any personal input, just be present.
Read the next step when the person is ready to proceed.

Step 1

"Put your attention on the problem and do the TAT pose"

What happened?

Step 2

"Put your attention on the opposite condition and do the TAT pose"

What happened?

Step 3

Do the TAT pose and put your attention on:
"All of the origins of this problem are healing now back to the
inception of my soul" or "God, thank you for healing all the origins
of this problem from the inception of my soul"

What happened?

Step 4

Do the TAT pose and put your attention on:
"All the places in my mind, body and life where this has been a problem/
resonated/been held/been stuck are healing now" or
"God, thank you for healing all the places in my mind, body and life
where this has been a problem/resonated/been held/been stuck"

What happened?

Step 5

Do the TAT pose and put your attention on:
"All the parts of me that got something out of having this problem
are healing now" or
"God, thank you for healing all the parts of me that got something
from having this problem"

What happened?

Step 6

Do the TAT pose and put your attention on:
"I forgive everyone I blamed for this problem, including God and myself"

What happened?

Step 7

Do the TAT pose and put your attention on:
"I ask forgiveness of everyone I hurt because of this problem"

What happened?

After you have completed the TAT steps, put your attention
to the problem, trauma or issue again.
Check and see if there is anything about it that still bothers you.
If there is, put your attention on that and do the TAT pose
for a couple of minutes. Continue until there is nothing
about the problem that hurts you, troubles you, or feels stuck.
You will know when you are done because when you think about
the problem you will feel free and at peace, without the emotional
"charge" the problem gave you beforehand.

When you are done with your work, it is useful to give thanks.

My thanks to Tapas Fleming for the images from her workbook and the base procedure.
These materials are educational and may not be reprinted without permission.
If you are struggling with the wording of a particular step
(sometimes it is difficult to figure out what "the opposite" of a situation is, for instance)
feel free to contact me by email and I will help you find a way to express
what needs to be said in the best way. It might also be useful to take a class in TAT
for yourself; the website for TAT is

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