The Throat Chakra

Location: At the base of the throat in front, cervical neck area in

Spinal Nerve Plexus: Cervical spinal ganglion (pharyngeal plexus)

Glands: Thyroid, Parathyroid

Body Parts: Throat, mouth, larynx, ears, neck, shoulders, arms, hands

Sanskrit Name: Visuddha

Element: Sound/Vibration

Color Vibration: Sky Blue

Keynote Vibration: G

Focus: Communication, creative expression; synthesis of ideas into

Stones: turquoise, aquamarine, blue topaz, other light blue stones

Incense: frankincense, benzoin

Foods: fruits

Affirmations: I speak; I hear; I communicate; I express

Disorders: Thyroid disorders (Grave's Disease, Myxedema), Parathyroid
disorders (Calcium levels in blood), vocal cord disorders (laryngitis,
polyps, frozen cords), throat and mouth cancers, hearing disorders and
ear infections, canker sores, dental problems, sore throat, popping or
ringing in ears, carpal tunnel, tight/sore neck & shoulders, Reynaud's
Disease (numb, cold hands), colds & sinus problems, tendency to whine,
scream, curse, or otherwise verbally abuse self and others using words
or sounds; or conversely, to "clam up" and repress speech

Communication is vital to the proper functioning of the body as well
as interaction with other beings and the environment. Full
communication requires three parts: input, output, and processing. A
block at any level of communication may result in a physical or
emotional disorder at the throat chakra level. Even mild frustration
can lead to a harmful communication problem, such as yelling or
sarcasm. If these problems persist or are sublimated/internalized,
physical problems of the neck/throat, arms/hands and sinuses/ears can

In order to keep the throat chakra functioning well, be conscious of
the tightness of the throat and neck; take time to focus on relaxing
these areas, especially before attempting communication with others.
Humming or toning helps with this process. Stretch the arms, roll the
shoulders and neck. Try not to abuse your ears with cacophanous noise;
if you work in a loud environment, use your ear protection. Count to
ten to give your mind a moment to focus on input before immediately
allowing your mouth or hands to deliver output. You will find that you
will be getting better quality of responses because your words and
actions will be more considered and polished. If you are truly having
problems with this issue, you might consider taking a class in drama,
speech, dance, tai chi, qi gong or yoga. Patience is a learned skill
that is important at this level.

And most importantly, know that others may not be as conscious or as
courteous as you with communication skills. Be patient and attempt to
hear what they are truly saying, rather than how they are saying it.
Our greatest flaw in communication is jumping to conclusions and
taking offense before knowing what others are attempting to express.
If the person's tone is offensive, we tend to ignore the words.

This is the key difference between "hearing" and "listening".

In the past, women and children were not encouraged to speak, and if
you will notice, many of the disorders at this level are common to
women. There is no need for this to persist now, if we learn to feel
confident, patient and strong in our communication skills. We can
express what we need. We can hear and respond to the needs of others.
We can sing, and hug, and laugh, and listen. Just like the blue sky,
our possibilities are endless.

Animals associated with the throat chakra in East Indian tradition are
the elephant, the bull, and the lion.

These materials copyright Caroline Gutierrez Abreu, 2000

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