National Society of Black Engineers
Alumni Extension
Delaware Area Chapter
Region 2
Region 2 Alumni
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September Events

General Body Meeting

Date: September 18, 2006
Location: University of Delaware
Time: 6?:00 PM

SAT Math Preparedness Workshop
Date and location TBD (on or about September 23?)

We currently only have
5 paid members of our local chapter.  Join today

We are still looking for volunteers for the SAT math preparedness workshop.  So far I have
two volunteers.  If we get 10 volunteers, each volunteer would only have to work one weekend during the entire series.  With just two volunteers this workshop doesn't happen at all.  Your support is crucial to the success of this event.  Think of the children that will benefit from this worthwhile workshop.  Sign up today!

Our first general body meeting of the year will be on September 18th at 6:00 PM at the University of Delaware.  The exactly location will be posted soon.

Shannon Grady, President
[email protected]

Paschal Eleyana, Vice President
[email protected]

Kelly Jefferson, Secretary
[email protected]

Lindsay Hall, Treasurer
[email protected]

Whelton Miller, Parliamentarian
[email protected]
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