<BGSOUND SRC="endlesslove.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Nikeyta & Sylvester 
Getting Married
Very Soooooon
Thanks for coming to our page.
We are pleased to announce -
we are getting married
very soon.
We are planning and preparing for
our wedding.
We'll keep you inform of all details.
We'll say it will be intimate and romantic.
We'll update this site regularly with information.

We met through a mutal person. We both realize that at the time she was not ready for a relationship but you can't change how cupid hits your heart. When we meet we were to be friends. To tell you the truth, our first weekend together - love blossom the air. He fell in love with me. At that moment, I was not feeling the same way that he was feeling but I was already in a messed up relationship. Even though she was going through a rough spot I fell in love with her the first moment I laid eyes on her. In due time, she fell in love with him. Every since, she has changed your life for what is coming - wedding. He proposed to me in an odd way. We were at a jewelry store looking at jewelry because we are friends. At that time we were not a couple. He told the sales person that I was his wife to be. Those words made me choke on my saliva. I never said yes or no to him. I went with the flow of what he said. Months later, he finally asked me the correct way to be his wife. I replied "Yes, I would love to be your wife". Every since we have our good and bad times but we have managed to stay together. We realize that life is too short to focus on what coulda, shoulda, or woulda.....we made the best out of every situation. Everyday we find ourself falling in love with each other over again. Our love is amazing.
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