Environmental Planning
Alumni Association
"In the quest for survival, sucess and fufillment, the ecological view offers an invaluable insight. It shows the way for the man who would be the enzyme of the bioshpere - it's steward, enhancing the creative fit of man-environment, realizing man's design with nature."
                                       ~ Ian McHarg
NSCAD EP Alumni Association AGM 2001
Before we gathered to celebrate we held our Annual General Meeting and discussed some changes to the association and reflect on the past years activities. Please see the link below for more detailed information.
Who are we?
We are alumni of the Environmental Planning program, and as members of the Alumni Association we are concerned with  the promotion of the EP Program. Our goal is to work with current EP students to help them gain valuable contacts, and learn more about what environmental planners do.
The NSCAD EP 30 Year Reunion
EP Alumni News
Well, we did it! We had a wonderful turn out for our thirty year reunion of NSCAD Environmental Planning Grads. We were sorry that you missed it, but here are some of the highlights and photos from the night!
Annual General Meeting 2001
REUNION UPDATE....see what you missed!
NSCAD EP Newsletter 2001
A word from our President......
From right to left are: Maggi Holm (Vice President), Sue Beazley (President), and Scott McMillan (Member-at- large). Missing is Gayle Chapman (Secretary).
Nova Scotia College of Art & Design
For more information on the Program
Canadian Institute of Planners
Our Graduate Database
Atlantic Planners Institute
[email protected]
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